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A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis: Comparison of Food Compositions Between Crops Produced by Organic and by Conventional Farming


本研究目的是以系統性回顧及統合分析比較傳統與有機作物(區分為蔬菜、水果、全榖根莖、油脂堅果及其他類)之營養組成。收集近35年文獻經摘要及全文篩選共得131篇,使用加權統合分析將效果量(Effect size)以標準化平均數差異(standardized mean difference; SMD)表達,若SMD有顯著差異,則進一步計算平均百分比差異(mean percentage difference; MPD)。結果顯示有機蔬菜含較高濃度抗壞血酸、類胡蘿蔔素、類黃酮、山奈酚-3-葡萄糖苷、酚類化合物、鎂及銣且分別高於傳統16.9、12.6、17.7、175.2、32.4、7.2及169.9%,傳統蔬菜則含較高濃度硝酸鹽及氮且分別高於有機80.2及10.6%;有機水果含較高濃度花青素、抗壞血酸、綠原酸、綠原酸-多酚氧化酶、山奈酚、楊梅素及酚類化合物且分別高於傳統78.5、19.2、28.5、85.0、80.3、53.7及9.6%,傳統水果則含較高濃度的氮及維生素C(包含抗壞血酸與脫氫抗壞血酸)且分別高於有機14.5及0.8%;有機全榖含較高濃度脂肪、酚酸、鉬、鎳、磷及鈉且分別高於傳統16.2、6.8、151.0、50.0、60.4及47.2%,傳統全榖根莖則含較高濃度鈣、果糖、葡萄糖及蛋白質分別高於有機3.4、31.3、39.6及14.3%。結論:有機栽種系統會增加作物酚類化合物及抗氧化物質的含量,特別是蔬菜及水果類,在全榖根莖類會增加部分礦物質含量,而傳統栽種系統會增加作物氮、硝酸鹽及蛋白質含量。


This study attempted to compare food compositions between crops (categorized into food groups such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains or staples, oil or nuts, and others) produced by organic and by conventional farming using a systematic review and meta-analysis. After searching a database and strictly screening for publications in the past 35 years, 131 papers fulfilled the criteria for inclusion, and their data were extracted for a standard weighted meta-analysis. Effect sizes were evaluated as standardized mean differences (SMDs), and the mean percentage difference (MPD) was calculated for interpretation as the magnitude of difference in a specific nutrient produced by the two agricultural methods. Organically grown vegetables had significantly higher concentrations of ascorbic acid, carotenoids, flavonoids, kaempferol-3-o-glucoside, phenolic compounds, magnesium, and rubidium, with respective MPDs of 16.9%, 12.6%, 17.7%, 175.5%, 32.4%, 7.2%, and 169.9%, while they had significantly lower concentrations of nitrate and nitrogen with respective MPDs of 80.2% and 10.6% than conventionally grown crops. Fruits grown organically vs. conventionally resulted in significantly higher concentrations of anthocyanins, ascorbic acid, chlorogenic acid, chlorogenic acid-PPO, kaempferol, myricetin, phenolic compounds, and with respective MPDs of 78.5%, 19.2%, 28.5%, 85.0%, 80.3%, 53.7%, and 9.6%, while there were significantly lower concentrations of nitrogen and vitamin C with respective MPDs of 14.5 and 0.8%. In addition, significantly higher concentrations of fat, phenolic acid, molybdenum, nickel, phosphorus, and sodium with respective MPDs of 16.2%, 6.8%, 151.0%, 50.0%, 60.4%, and 47.2%, while significantly lower concentrations of calcium, fructose, glucose, and protein, with respective MPDs of 3.4%, 31.3%, 39.6%, and 14.3% were found in organic grains/staples relative to their conventional counterparts. This study provides evidence that organic vegetables and fruits contribute higher phenolic compounds and antioxidant concentrations, while organic grains/staples contribute higher mineral concentrations compared to their conventional counterparts. In contrast, conventional crops contribute higher concentrations of nitrogen, nitrate, and proteins.
