  • 期刊


Nursing Experience Caring for a Patient Suffering from Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome with Intussusception




This paper aimsd to present the nursing experience of a patient who was diagnosed with Peutz-Jeghers syndrome (PJS) with intussusceptions and then emergent surgery was carried out. The patient often kept silent and appeared indifferent with a passive attitude toward his health condition and progress, even when the doctor made the rounds of wards or nurses carried out routine care. The nursing period was twelve days, from Aug 1(superscript st) to Aug 12th, 2009, and the nursing assessment was developed within the framework of the Roy adaptation model to identify the problems based on the functional evaluations and to collect the related data from the patient, including health assessment, interview, communication, and listening etc. Because the patient suffered from both physical pain and mental difficulties such as hopelessness, long-term low self-esteem and lack of knowledge, the author therefore provided not only good nursing care, but also voluntarily offered updated and related information of PJS to the patient. Furthermore, the patient was also encouraged to express his negative mood feeling while staying in hospital. In addition, family involvement and support was crucial to the patient's success in this case. The interaction between the patient and his family was also arranged in order to receive support from his family, harbor or raise the patient's hopes, and obtain the patient's self-confidence and self-value to his future. It is expected that the psychological and physiological nursing experience of caring for a PJS patient can shed light on understanding the nursing process of a patient and enhance the quality of nursing.
