  • 期刊


Improve Rejection of Specimens in the Surgical Ward




檢體 退件率 血液採檢


Incorrect blood collection process is the main cause of affecting the quality of blood samples. In October 2016, 21 pieces of blood samples were returned in our work unit, and the return rate reached 0.96%, increasing month-by-month. After analysis, it was found that the nursing staff placed insufficient attention on the collection of blood samples, were unfamiliar with the vacuum blood collection process and the amount of blood collection, and the location where the vacuum blood collection lancets placed was not applicable to the nursing staff all the time. Therefore, the purposes of this project were to ameliorate the monthly return rate of blood samples to be less than 0.75% and increase the proper recognition of blood sample collections by the nursing staff to be more than 90%. Through a literature review guiding the procedure manual of the blood sample collection during the morning meeting, conducting the training sessions of techniques of blood sample collection and the manipulation skills of disposable lancet, placing additional disposable lancets in the nursing care facilities, making a standard operating procedure of blood sampling, and formulating examinations of recognition of blood sampling to the nursing staff, all the strategies were able to ameliorate the return rate from 0.96% to less than 0.75%, the proper recognition rate from 72% to 94%, and thereby achieve the purposes of the project. We hope that reducing the return rate of blood samples can make an improvement to patient care quality and patient safety.


blood sampling return rate patient safety


Andrew, W., Polly, E. B., David, E., & Gallagher, E. J. (2013). Use of butterfly needles to draw blood is independently associated with marked reduction in hemolysis compared to intravenous catheter. Academic Emergency Medicine, 20(11), 1151-1155. doi:10.1111/acem.12245


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