  • 期刊


The Physical Education and Military Training Method of the Modern Army-Founded by Yuan Shih-Kai (袁世凱)




新建陸軍 小站練兵 兵操 袁世凱


Hsian-hui Army (湘淮軍), founded by local government was disintegrated by Sino-Japanese War. The Modern Army (新建陸軍)-founded by Yuan Shih-kai (袁世凱), and Hu-pei Army (湖北軍)-by Chang Chi-dong (張之洞)-were raised instead. In 1895, the Modern Army stationed in Hsin-noun Town (新農鎮) which is located between Tien-jing (天津) and Ta-ku (大沽). Therefore, the army was named the Modern Army. The Western-training methods became the foundation for Yuan Shih-kai (袁世凱) to train the 7,000 soldiers. This method made the army become the main combat strength in the end of the Ching Dynasty. Besides, it was also the main force in Hsin-hai Revolution (辛亥革命). Therefore, the Military training method and action play important rules in military affairs. Research method: Based on original references, we try to clarify the military physical training-from its forming reasons, context to affecting aspects. Research purpose: Clarify the Western military training method adopted by the modern army, and the influences to the Chinese Modern Military.
