  • 期刊


Analysis of Satisfaction Level in General Physical Education Program of Chung-Yu Junior College of Administration


本研究旨在了解本校普通體育課學生在上體育課後,對體育教學與體育教學行政的滿意狀況,以作為教學與行政改進的依據。本研究以「崇右企專體育課滿意度量表」(葉麗琴,民91)為研究工具,本量表共分為六個因素,其分量表名稱與Cronbach α為:體育教學效果為.935;場地與器材為.943;教師專業能力為.939;同學關係為.935;身體發展為.890;體育教學行政為.873,本量表具有63.03%的解釋變異量。本研究之受試學生共有50班,有效受試學生人數為2229人,男生371人、女生1858人。以t考驗比較不同學制、性別對體育課滿意度的差異情形;以單因子變異數分析比較不同科別、年級對體育課滿意度的差異情形。不同學制的受試學生在身體發展、場地與器材、教學效果及體育教學行政四部分有顯著差異,即二專學生在這四個因素的滿意度均高於五專部的同學。而在不同性別的受試者在各滿意度的因素有顯著差異,即男生均較女生感到滿意。而在不同科別、年級對體育課滿意度的差異情形各因素在組間均達顯著差異。最後根據研究結果進行討論及提出建議。


體育課 滿意度


The purpose of this study was to explore satisfaction level in general physical education program and physical education administration for improvement in teaching and administration. In this study, the development satisfaction scale of physical education program (SSPEP) of Chung-Yu Junior College of Administration (Li-Chen Yeh, 2001) is used as the main research instrument. There are six factors in SSPEP. The cornbach α coefficients of all six factors were as follows: The physical education teaching effect's Cronbach α=.935, the equipments and facilities's Cronbach α=.943, the teacher's professional ability's Cronbach α=.939, the peer relationship's Cronbach α=.935, the physical fitness development's Cronbach α=.890, the physical education administration's Cronbach α=.873, the reliability together with validity were tested. 63.03% variance was explained. There were 2229 students (males 371, females 1858) of 50 classes tested to factors that in fluenced their satisfaction on physical education program. Independent t-test and one-way analyses of variance (ANOVA) were used for the statistical examination. The results were as follows: 1. The participants with different physical fitness development, equipments and facilities, sport skill development, and physical education administration reached a significant difference in education system. That is, Students of two-year college were more satisfied than those of five-year college. 2. The participants with the six different factors reached a significant difference in gender. The male students were more satisfied with the female students. 3. The participants with the six different factors reached a significant difference in departments and grades. Based on the results, this study made some suggestions for future research.


