  • 期刊


The Development of a Computerize Baseball Information Management System


電腦技術的創新帶動運動技術的發展已經是潮流的趨勢,在棒球方面,以個人電腦開發一套適用於棒球有關記錄方面的資訊管理系統。系統之設計使用MicroSoft SQL Server 2000為大型資料庫的主體,前端介面的開發以Visual Basic 6.0程式語言設計,將資料庫予以更新。前端的棒球資訊記錄方式為使用筆記型電腦將棒球比賽的過程記在前端資料庫中,再以動態更新後端資料庫。記錄棒球資料將綜合國際棒球總會所認定的標準紀錄格式和國內中華民國棒球協會常用的棒球記錄模式來執行記錄作業,可以即時性地提供競賽單位所需要的紀錄資料以及提升行政效率,這些資料的運用對於教練訓練與戰術的分析,可以提供參考的依據,對於一般傳播媒體,可以得到有關行銷、公共關係方面的棒球資訊,所以長久而言,希望藉由本系統之建立,延伸出其他的棒球應用程式系統,如戰術分析系統、或是選才系統等,以全方位的連結棒球資訊系統,提升棒球資訊技能。


棒球 管理系統 資料庫 棒球記錄


The innovation in computer technology brings sports technology development. It is the trend and true. This study is to develop a recording management system on baseball game. It is to expect to support athletics units, coachers, athletes, mass media and people about the baseball information.The system designs with MicroSoft SQL Server2000 database. Updating the database data using dynamic linking. The client interface uses the notebook to record the baseball data in client database. Then dynamic links the server database and updates.According the International Baseball Federation (IBAF) standard mode and the mode of Taiwan to design the baseball recording management system. So it can real time support the athletics units they need and to change the administration performance. For coachers, it can support the analysis in the training and tactics. For mass media, it can support the promotion and pubic relation. I wish by studying this system could extend other baseball application soft wares, like tactics analysis system or choosing talent system. So promoting baseball information performance using all kinds of baseball system.


baseball management system database
