  • 期刊


An Exploratory and Confirmatory Study of Leisure Satisfaction in University Students: An Example of Feng-Chia University


研究者利用Beard和Ragheb(1980)發展出「休閒滿意量表」(Leisure Satisfaction Scale),針對此次研究對象進行實證研究,包括相關探索性研究及運用實證的結果來驗證此休閒滿意的理論基礎。問卷共發出550份,填答時間從民國92年2月20日至3月10日止。之後,由研究者親自收回已填答之問卷。問卷回收總計545份,有效問卷535份,有效問卷回收率為98%。量表初稿經由信度分析(內部一致性分析)、項目分析(偏態及峰度考驗、內部一致性效標分析法與相關分析法)、因素分析(主成份分析法及斜交轉軸法)篩選出五個因素,因素一包含六題可解釋變異量佔總解釋變異量37.668%;因素二包含四題可解釋變異量佔總解釋變異量8.966%;因素三包含五題可解釋變異量佔總解釋變異量7.071%;因素四色含三題可解釋變異量佔總解釋變異量5.414%;因素五色含四題可解釋變異量佔總解釋變異量4.920%。就總體五個因素的解釋總變異量為63.969%,經過項目分析和因素分析後所篩選的二十二個題項的大學生休閒滿意模式,顯示出在大學生中具有不錯的建構效度。五個因素順序分別命名為:第一個因素為教育的;第二個因素為生理的;第三個因素為心理的;第四個因素為美感的;第五個因素為社會的。在信度的驗證上,除了在社會的因素構面之Cronbachα條數略低於.7而其構面皆高於0.7。在SEM驗證因素分析中,整體模式配適度,本研究模型的X^2/df=1.84,顯示在此指標下的配適度為極佳。模式中的GFI為0.91,AGFI為0.88,CFI值為0.98,IFI值為0.98,RMSEA值為0.053,RMR值為0.023,顯示本研究模型整體的結果有相當不錯的配適度。本研究中除了平均變異數抽取量略低於0.5,在聚合信度的數值皆大於0.5,表示量表的SEM信度達到良好程度。


The purpose of this study was based on the leisure theory to construct a reliable and valid Leisure Satisfaction Scale by using the samples of Feng-chia university students. Leisure Satisfaction Scale was developed by Beard & Ragheb. Including to examine the goodness of fit of Leisure Satisfaction Scale by using exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis. Five hundred thirty-five students were examined using twenty-one leisure satisfaction items.According to the results of item analysis and exploratory factor analysis, the numbers of items were reduced from twenty-four to twenty-two. These items were divided into five factors using EFA. These factors were named, respectively: ”psychological satisfactions”, ”educational satisfactions” ”social satisfactions”, ”physiological satisfactions” and ”aesthetic satisfactions”. These factors can explain 63.969% of variance of leisure satisfaction among Feng-chia university students. The internal consistency of Cronbach's α coefficient was ranged from .6284 to .8758, and the Cronbach's α coefficient of total scale was .9149. The Leisure Satisfaction Scale showed appropriate validity and reliability among Feng-chia university students.This study used LISREL 8.53 to deal with confirmatory factor analysis, to check the goodness of fit of Leisure Satisfaction Scale. The results of CFA indicated that modified model fitted the data (X^2 =315.274; df=171; X^2/df= 1.84; RMSEA=.053; GFI=.91; AGFI=.88; CFI=.98; NFI=.98; NNFI=.98; RMR=.023; standardized RMR=.044).According to the results of this study, the researcher would like to discuss and advise for the future studies.
