  • 期刊


The Application of the Public Relation Strategy of Corporate Identity System to the Sports Events: Taking 2001 National Games & 34th World Baseball Cup Examples


本研究目的以公關傳播策略企業識別系統(Corporate Identity System, CIS),來解析賽會運用識別系統的本質與必要性,並對體育界應用賽會識別系統成功塑造賽會形象的案例加以探討,研究中並以90年全國運動會及2002年第34屆世界盃棒球錦標賽為例,做一實施概況解析。本研究採文獻探討及個案分析,以綜合相關文獻資料、分析賽會識別系統的基本要素與賽會形象塑造的應用等。研究發現:一、兩個賽會籌備組織皆將公關傳播策略CIS視為行銷及宣傳的重點;二、兩個賽會籌備組織皆運用CIS來進行賽會主題的傳達、創造賽會話題及吸引媒體,這可從報章雜誌和社會輿論中所獲好評看出,如此一來將可提升賽會能見度與效益;三、兩個賽會中CIS的主題設計中理念識別(MI)、視覺識別(VI)、活動識別(BI)(如「視覺標誌」、「吉祥物」、「口號」等)與賽會所要傳達的意象吻合度高;四、應落實賽會組織內部對於CIS所傳達之概念,使得內部對於CIS的實際內容與運作模式能完全瞭解。有鑑於此,筆者於文中提出相關建言,並進一步提出運動賽會CIS實施之可行性與做法。


The purpose of this research aimed to explain and analyze the nature and necessity of the public-relation strategy-Corporate Identity System (shorted as CIS), and then discussed the successful cases of application to the sports events. In order to introduce the practical cases, this research took the 2001 National Games & 34th World Baseball Cup for Example. Methods of literature review and case study were used for this research to review related papers, to analyze the basic elements of CIS and application to create the images of sports events. There were four results found in this research.1. The organizing committees of both sports events took the public-relation strategy of CIS as important part for marketing and promotion.2. Both organizing committees used the strategy of CIS to express the main topics and set the agenda of sports events, and attract the attention of the media. The effect and visibility of both events could be seen from the good evaluation of newspapers, magazines and public opinions in society.3. The CIS design (including: logos, mascots and slogans) and the images intended to express of both events were highly matched.4. Both organizing committees should explain the CIS-expressed images to the internal staffs to make the actual content and practicing models well understood.As learned from this research, the authors made some suggestions and provided some possible ways to practice CIS of sports events.


