  • 期刊


Analysis of 800 Meter Race / Walk Exercise Intensity of Elementary Students: Example of Ding Pu Elementary School of Tucheng City


目的:本研究旨在分析國小學童五年級體適能測驗之心肺功能,並以土城市頂埔國小學童進行800公尺跑/走運動強度分析調查,分析學童在運動多久之後呈現穩定狀態。方法:先徵求自願的學童,並詢問健康狀況和調閱健康記錄卡,說明實驗目的與方法,請以家長簽署受試者同意書並建立受試者基本資料,擇取國小健康男童38位(平均年齡10.42±0.51歲、身高142.02±6.88公分、體重39.85±10.19公斤)、國小健康女童32位(平均年齡10.31±0.48歲、身高137.65±6.84公分、體重33.69±9.71公斤)為受試者,用Polar心率錶(RS400sd或RS800sd)測驗學童800公尺跑/走運動時的心跳率,每人至少四次並分隔天上下午時段測試,並依據Karvonen method將心跳率數值換算為運動強度(% HRR),並且以相依樣本t-test對受試學童的心跳率數值進統計分析(α=.05)求出學童是否出現穩定狀態,結果:顯示一、國小學童進行800公尺跑/走心肺耐力測驗的運動強度係屬中高強度運動,運動時間可持續3分鐘以上,此項目為國小學童體適能評估項目之一,並且有助提升學童的心肺耐力。二、本研究受試學童進行800公尺跑/走運動強度反應,約在3分鐘後均達80-85% HRR,其間會有約1分鐘呈現穩定心跳率的狀態,並且男童在4分鐘、女童在5分鐘後提升至高強度範圍階段。結論:本研究結果可提供國小學童體適能心肺功能資訊於各界與訓練者參考之用。


心肺功能 心跳率 穩定 心肺耐力


Purpose: Using the example of 800 meter race/walk athletic intensity of elementary students from Ding Pu Elementary School of Tucheng City, this research is to analyze the 5th graders' cardiac function of physical assessment; analysis of time duration of stability after exercise is also taken place. Method: Inquiries are made for student volunteers; student's health condition and their record of health are examined. Instruction of experimental purpose and method are introduced in advance. Agreement of this experiment is signed by parents and student's basic information is established. 38 male students samples are chosen with average age 10.42 ± 0.51, height 142.02 ± 6.88 cm, weight 39.85 ± 10.19 kg are taken. While 32 healthy female students with average age 10.31 ± 0.48, height 137.65 ± 6.84cm, weight 33.69 ± 9.71 kg are taken. Heart rate meter is used to rate heart beat of 800m race/walk exercise. Each one is measured at least 4 times a day during morning and afternoon two different sessions. Karvonen method is also used to convert heart rate to exercise intensity (%HRR). Furthermore, correlated sample t-test is carried out to statistically analyze (α =.05) student's heart rate as well as finding their state of stability. Result shown: Medium high exercise intensity of 800 meter race/walk intensity of elementary students has been found and their athletic time duration can last more than 3 minutes; this evaluation is one of the elementary student's physical assessment helping to enhence student's cardiopulmonary endurance. Secondly, the research of 800 meter race/walk exercise intensity of elementary students possesses the reaction of 80-85% HRR around 3 minutes later with 1 minute stable heart rate in the mean time. For boys, the reaction reaches up to high intensity range after 4 minutes while girls' reaction reaches the same intensity after 5 minutes. Conclusion: This result could be used to provide as reference information of cardiopulmonary function for elementary student's physical assessment.
