  • 期刊


Comparison of Anthropometrics of the Badminton Athletes of Age 16-18 of Cross-Straight


本研究目的為調查海峽兩岸16-18歲羽球選手體型特徵,受試者為國內高中階段、中國青年隊及中國各省市代表隊中同齡(16-18歲)之羽球選手(臺灣男子60名,女子55名,中國男子59名,女子45名,共計219名)。所有測量依奧運優秀選手科學選材的研究-體型實施細則實施。所得結果分別經獨立樣本t-test及單因子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA)進行統計分析。結果顯示中國男、女選手的體型為瘦高且結實,上肢較長的體型;臺灣男、女選手體型為身高相對較矮、肢體圍度較大,呈現出體格粗壯的外型。建議未來的研究可擴大至國內國、中小羽球選手體型的測量以期建立完整的相關資料,並且更深入了解何種體型能更貼近羽球運動的特性,以供未來訓練及選材之用。


肢體圍度 身高 體重


Purpose: This study was to explore the anthropometrics of the badminton athletes of age 16-18 of cross-strait. Subjects: 219 samples were tested in this study included Taiwanese elite senior high school badminton athletes, Chinese young adult badminton athletes, and Chinese provincial level badminton athletes (Taiwanese male 60 individuals, Taiwanese female 55 individuals, Chinese male 59 individuals Chinese female 45 individuals). Methods: The tests were implemented with ”The Principles of the Scientific Identification of Sport Talents of Olympic Games- Anthropometrics.” The results were analyzed with t-test and one-way ANOVA. Results: The Chinese male and female athletics were thin, tall, muscular, and long upper limbers, but Taiwanese athletics were short, large circumference, and thickset. Suggestions: The further studies should focus on the anthropometrics of elementary school and junior high school students to collect more data about anthropometrics which can be more helpful for training and scientific identification.


limb circumference height weight
