  • 期刊


The key competence oriented curriculum design and practices in preschools


本研究以OECD (2002)所楬櫫的DeSeCo出發,說明「核心素養」(key competence)為導向的教學實為未來教育的重要方向。此課程與教學的方向,與教育部民國101年公布實施的「幼兒園教保活動課程暫行大綱」(以下簡稱課程大綱)理念一致。課程大綱「立基於『仁』的教育觀,承續孝悌仁愛文化,陶養幼兒擁有愛人愛己、關懷環境、面對挑戰、踐行文化的素養,並奠定終身學習的基礎為其宗旨;使幼兒成為重溝通、講道理、能思考、懂合作、有信心、會包容的未來社會公民」(教育部,2013)。在此宗旨下,欲陶養幼兒擁有六大核心素養,包括覺知辨識、表達溝通、關懷合作、推理賞析、想像創造與自主管理。課程大綱的公布,雖然提供了教保服務人員課程規劃的方向,但幼兒園與國小不同,教學者須根據幼兒的生活經驗,自編教材,並以統整的方式進行課程。然教保服務人員發展課程時,多受過去經驗影響,以結果模式做為課程發展的取向;忽略了課程大綱是以核心素養做為學習的主要目標,須採過程模式(process model)。過程模式強調教育之主體是學童,重視學童主動探究之精神與方法的培育,且強調教育是學習經驗的重組;學習者舊經驗和新知識之融合、調整和開展比固定知識和內容之傳輸更有意義。本篇文章以一幼兒園進行的主題「種東西」為例,說明課程發展的歷程,並分析教保服務人員規劃及執行課程時須有的思維:包括自生活中取材,以統整的方式實施,發現幼兒的困境,引導幼兒培養核心素養的歷程等。最後,提出教保服務人員培養幼兒核心素養時所要面對的挑戰,並給予相關建議。


The study focus on the concept of "Key Competence" and the key competence oriented curriculum. The concept of "Key Competence" originated from OECD (OECD, 2002) , which means the knowledge, the attitudes and the skills persons should have to adapt to the life and the challenges in the future. The key competence oriented curriculum is the challenges of preschool educators when the enactment of the Early Childhood Education & Care Curriculum Framework (ECECCF) in 2016. In order to design the key competence oriented curriculum, preschool educators should shift the curriculum development model from object model to process model. Process model focus on children's learning processes and children's inquiry processes. Preschool educators help children to organize their experiences, and connect the new experiences to prior experiences and make learning meaningful to children. Finally, the study used an example from the field to illustrate the idea and make some suggestions for preschool educators.


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