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On the Study of Compounds: A Contrastive Analysis of Chinese, English and Japanese


本文主要是以漢、英、日複合詞的對比分析作為研究的重心。本文首先探討漢語的五類複合動詞、六類複合形容詞與七類複合名詞,並從複合詞詞幹的線性次序、階層組織、語法範疇、語法功能等各個方面來討論其內部結構,既而探討其內部結構與外部功能的連繫。而後用「原則參數語法理論」(Principles-and-Parameters Approach)的普遍性原則與參數,來說明漢語複合詞所有相關的語法結構、功能與表現。接著再把以上漢語複合詞的相關討論方式,同樣的擴展到英語與日語複合詞的分析上面,以釐清漢語與英、日語複合詞在內部結構與外部功能等各方面的異同。最後,本文將比較Selkirk(1982)、湯廷池(1994,1995)、Packard(2000)與影山(1993)分別為衍生英語、漢語及日語複合詞的結構所提出的理論及其相關的各種參數設定,以期更進一步闡明詞法與句法的相關性(如﹕湯(1994c)為英語擬設的「主要語在尾參數」、為漢語擬設的「論元放置參數」;Packard (2000) 為漢語擬設的「主要語原則」;以及影山(1993)使用William(1981)的「主要語在右原則」來說明日語的複合詞等等)。


This paper aims to deal with a contrastive analysis of Chinese, English and Japanese compound words. We first study Chinese compounds, including five classes of compound verbs, six classes of compound adjectives and seven classes of compound nouns. The content of our discussion contains several phases in terms of compound structures, grammatical functions, and semantics, and the related issues including the linear order, hierarchical structures, grammatical categories, argument structures, theta-grids, and structural generation problems of various compounds. Our discussion of this part is based on "the Principles-and-Parameters Approach" to interpret all the related grammatical issues of Chinese compounds. Following the same procedures, we will continue to extend our analysis to the study of English and Japanese compounds and then to compare the grammatical difference of all the compounds in these three languages.


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