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"Which Dreamed It?": Materiality in the Language and Subject in Lewis Carroll’s Through the Looking-Glass


文(language)與物(matter)常常使人聯想到語言/文字與外在事物兩者間的再現關係。語言/文字與物質總是有著明顯的二元對立關係,縱使在具有顛覆性的後結構主義以及後現代主義的脈絡下,兩者仍存在不可化約的鴻溝,語言(文字)無法呈現主體的物質性。然而,德勒茲與柏格森卻提出,在約定俗成的語言規則中仍然存有一定的物質流動性,如柏氏所提出的潛在性(the virtual),以及德氏的裝置(assemblage)和生成(becoming)等概念,都指出語言當中的物質性,此流動的物質性提供了再現體系中的言說主體再思與不斷重構的力量。在路易斯.卡羅《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》和《鏡中奇緣》兩本小說中,作者利用語言當中不可化約的物質性,質疑再現系統中對於主體/物質/語言三者的僵化詮釋,進而顯示三者間不可化約的關係。本文將利用柏格森與德勒茲對語言的論述重探《鏡中奇緣》中愛麗絲如何在非再現系統中語言/文字的弔詭情境中暴露出語言與主體的物質性與不確定性,使其由自身所肯定的言說再現主體流動至充滿物質性的生成主體。


德勒茲 柏格森 物質性 語言 愛麗絲


The relationship between language and matter is always associated with the representational system. Language represents the concept of matter while matter refers to the thing in itself. Both structuralism and postmodernism believe language or word is unable to present the materiality of a subject. However, Gilles Deleuze and Henri Bergson hold an opposite viewpoint-even the so-called linguistically-formed subject or linguistic convention possesses materiality in itself. The materiality of language forces the speaking subject to rethink his totality and stability within the linguistic system, for he cannot totally understand or control the meaning that language has expressed. Lewis Carroll’s Alice Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass play tricks on the linguistic convention to point out the irreducible materiality of language and to question the stagnant relation among subject, matter, and language in the representational system. This paper aims to draw on Bergson’s and Deleuze’s concepts of language to revisit Carroll’s Through the Looking-Glass so as to explore how Alice’s subject is transformed into a becoming other as her common understanding of the world is challenged by the word plays in the looking-glass world.


Deleuze Bergson materiality language Alice


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