  • 期刊


On the Controversy of the Legislator Electoral System Reform in Taiwan' Seventh Constitutional Amending




In Taiwan, the Single-Member Districts and Two Votes System first time launched in the seventh Legislators election in January 12, 2008. The Kuomingtang won majority by three-quarters of seats, despite the Democratic Progressive Party had been totally frustrated.The seventh constitutional amending in which the National Assembly of the task-based approved was a new system of the Legislators election. The Single Non-Transferable Vote under Multimember-District System had been adopted since the Legislative Yuan was founded. The fourth provision of the Seventh Amendment of the Constitution required that since the seventh Legislative Yuan, there are 113 legislators with 4 year term in the office. The electorate regulation has been amended as follows: 1. 73 legislators shall be elected from the Special Municipalities, counties and cities; 2. 3 members each shall be elected from among aborigines; 3. 34 members shall be elected from the nationwide constituency and among citizens residing abroad; 4. members to fill the seats shall be elected from the lists of political parties in the proportion to the number of votes won by each party that obtains at least five percent of the total votes.There are controversial issues involving the details of the Single-Member Districts and Two Votes System among all parties during the seventh constitutional amending. Because draft constitutional amendments must be approved by at least three fourths of the members of the Legislative Yuan at a meeting attended by at least three fourths of the total members of the Legislative Yuan, it means that the Electoral System Reform were consented and supported by all parties in the Legislative Yuan. The theme of the study is the considerations and the foresights between KMT and DPP for the constitutional reform’s impact about their individual existence. The study will review the process of the constitutional decision-making by documents and interview methods with historical approach.


邱燕玲,2008,〈林濁水:藍恐成國會萬年多數〉,《自由電子報》,臺北,2008 年1 月13 日。


周佑政(2016)。太陽花學運後台灣新興政黨的形成與發展 -時代力量黨與社會民主黨的個案研究〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU201602760
