  • 期刊


The Study of Political Landscape for Hsinchu City




The political landscape for Hsinchu city has been regarded as the KMT advantage area for many years and the KMT had enjoyed the overall victory in the Hsinchu-Miaoli area. Moreover, the north Taiwan area always impresses more "blue" than "green" in the electoral geography. In terms of population structure for Hsinchu city, the mainlander ethnic group accounts for about 17.9% and Hakka ethnic group accounts for about 23.1%. While with the development of economy and science technology park area, the immigrate increases and the average age decreases year by year. This special population structure has important impact on the traditional political ecology as well as the political landscape for Hsinchu city recently. Therefore the DPP wins in the past 3 elections and breaks the traditional impression that the "blue" is stronger than the "green" in Hsinchu city. This study analyzes the 2005-2016 electoral data of mayors, legislators and president by observing the changing rates for the KMT and the DPP in regions. It finds that the sharp decline of the KMT's basic supporters and the DPP's basic supporters do not increase significantly as well. Since Cai Renjian(蔡仁堅), Qiu Xianzhi(邱顯智), James Song(宋楚瑜) etc. participated elections after 2014, more voters gradually support the nonpartisan candidates. Therefore KMT and DPP must work harder to win back their supporters.


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臺灣賦格,2014,〈國民黨中央山脈保護區:禁止狩獵〉,《臺灣賦格》,網址:http://taiwanfugue.blogspot.tw/2014/12/blog-post.html,檢索日期:2017 年12 月。
蔡彰盛,2015,〈深入藍營票倉,柯建銘成功拔樁〉,《自由時報》,2015 年9 月27 日,網址:http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/politics/breakingnews/1457825,檢索日期:2017 年12 月。

