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Effect of low-temperature storage of eggs on the biological characters of Mallada basalis (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae)


在實驗室觀察低溫儲存基徵草蛉(Mallada basalis (Walker))卵對其後續發育及生物特性之影響。卵儲存在八種定溫下,結果在4、8及32℃下卵不孵化;在12、16、20、24及28℃定溫下,卵孵化率分別為43.3、82.5、87.5、86.7及91.7 %。一日齡卵在4、8、12及16℃四種低溫下儲存7天再轉置28℃後,其孵化率分別為11.7、17.5、79.2及78.3 %。孵化後一、二及三齡幼蟲存活率,在12和16℃分別為98.1、92.3及82.7 %和96.7、95.0及95.0 %,羽化率分別為42.1及69.5 %。儲存在16℃卵發育之雌成蟲總產卵量平均416.1粒/♀較高。雌蟲所產卵粒之孵化率,以儲存在12及16℃的65.0及66.7 % 較高。一日齡卵在4、8、12及16℃低溫儲存7天,再置28℃飼養,三齡幼蟲每日取食人工微膠囊飼料,重量分別為2.4、2.3、7.9及7.1 mg,其中12及16℃與對照組(28℃)差異不顯著。


In the laboratory, eggs of the lacewing (Mallada basalis (Walker)) were stored at 8 constant temperatures. No hatching was found at 4, 8, or 32 °C, while the hatching rates at 12, 16, 20, 24 and 28 °C were 43.3 %, 82.5 %, 87.5 %, 86.7 %, and 91.7 %, respectively. When 1-day-old eggs of M. basalis were stored at 4, 8, 12, and 16 °C for 7 days and then transferred to 28 °C, the hatching rates were 11.7 %, 17.5 %, 79.2 %, and 78.3 %, respectively. The survival rates of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd instar larvae stored at 12 °C were 98.1 %, 92.3 %, and 82.7 %, while those stored at 16 °C were 96.7 %, 95.0 %, and 95.0 % . The emergence rates at 12 and 16 °C were 42.1 % and 69.5 %, respectively. The egg production at 16 °C was 416.1 eggs/female which was higher than for any of the other treatments. The hatching rate of females was 65.0 % for the 12 °C treatment and 66.7 % for the 16 °C treatment. The daily weight consumed by 3rd instar larvae of M. basalis raised from 1-day-old eggs stored at 4, 8, 12, and 16 °C for 7 days were 2.4, 2.3, 7.9, and 7.1 mg. There were no significant differences among the 12, 16, and (control) 28 °C treatments.
