  • 期刊


The Discussion of TCM on High-Risk Populations of Acute SARS-CoV-2 and Treatment Principles


目前為止基於多國疾控中心統計資料,老年人、II型糖尿病及高血壓患者感染新型冠狀病毒肺炎後轉變成重症及發生死亡幾率偏高的情況。本文從中醫角度探討此類重症高風險病患體質普遍以虛證為主,並夾雜濕、熱、瘀、毒兼證。在東南亞區域,新型冠狀病毒肺炎以“濕熱為主”,病患一經感染,熱邪加劇病情,影響各臟腑導致功能嚴重失調或發生實質性損害。而西醫觀點認為,這類患者血清張力素酶2(ACE 2)表達量偏低,感染新型冠狀病毒肺炎後導致肺部ACE2蛋白數量和功能降低,並引發急性肺衰竭。針對此類慢性病患狀況,中醫藥干預重在平時體質調理,扶正為主,辨證驅邪為輔的治療調理原則。


With reference from the statistics released by CDC of various countries, elderlies, hypertension and type II diabetes patients possessed higher risk of transforming into severe stages and death rate as compared to normal individuals. This paper investigates the body constitution of this high-risk patients from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) perspective. They are generally asthenic, mingled with dampness, heat, stasis and toxin. Most SARS-CoV-2 cases at South East Asia region are classfied into "dampness heat pestilence" in TCM. The heat pathogen aggravate their symptoms by affecting organ functions, inducing dysfunction and damages. However, from the Western Medicine perspective, infection caused the drastic decrease of ACE2 proteins, functions and induced acute lung failure, leading to the low-presence of ACE2. TCM focus on the principle of moderating body constitutions, strengthening and eliminating pathogens for this type of patients.


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張伯禮、王琦、穀曉紅、劉清泉:新型冠狀病毒肺炎中醫診療手冊 (Handbook of Diagnosis and Treatment of the Pneumonia Cause by the Novel Coronavirus in TCM)。中國中醫藥出版社 2020。
Post COVID-19 Management Protocol, 1st Edition, Ministry of Health Malaysia. https://covid-19.moh.gov.my
