  • 期刊


A Study of Higher Education in Taiwan and ASEAN




With the rise of regional economic and trade cooperation among countries in southeastern Asia, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is rapidly becoming a focal point of attention. Geographically close to Taiwan, ASEAN encompasses a vast territory, large population, and abundant resources. Through the opening of the market in recent years, substantial foreign investments have been attracted to the region, which led to the Asian economic boom. In order to narrow the developmental gap with developed countries, ASEAN needs to accelerate its human resource development and rapidly improve the quality and quantity of its educational system with the help of foreign countries. Meanwhile, developed countries take this opportunity to fortify long-term relationships with ASEAN through higher educational cooperation. However, due to political factors, Taiwan has been excluded from many economical frameworks in Asia. The regional trade agreements, such as ASEAN+3, have had an impact on Taiwan's economy. The purpose of this paper is to review the practices in countries like US, Korea, Japan and mainland China. This study gathers relevant information by literature analysis and field interviews. It is hoped that the current research can shed light on literature and facilitate Taiwan's policy making regarding internationalization of higher education


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