  • 期刊


The Impact of Compensatory Travel on Wilderness: The Investigation of Educational Intervention on Campers' LNT Awareness


因疫情而產生的補償性旅遊現象,大量遊客進入大自然山林,尤其配合國家開放山林的政策,使得環境遭受密集的衝擊,無痕山林(Leave No Trace, LNT)成為被重視的研究議題。本文旨在探討以不同教育模式的介入後,登山客對無痕山林認知之成效分析,冀望透過了解受試者對無痕山林認知的現況、及無痕山林認知是否因教育模式的不同而有所差異進行深入探討,以促進山林管理者落實永續環境管理。本研究對象以具有登山、露營經驗的大專生進行問卷施測,採用便利抽樣法進行問卷發放。研究資料以套裝軟體SPSS 27.0進行量化分析,包含描述性統計、信效度分析、及單因子變異數分析。結果得知,受試者在無痕山林七大準則的認知皆高於平均,惟「行進與紮營於耐用的地方」的構面上分數偏低。在不同教育模式介入後,「影片」與「文宣」的成效顯著優於「講述」及「無簡報」介入的受測者。最後,希冀透過教育之內化過程,強化登山露營者正確之山林環境態度與環境行為,並降低從事戶外活動時所帶來的環境破壞。


Facing the phenomenon of compensatory travel caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, popular recreational hiking and camping destinations attract many visitors and increase intensive negative impacts on environment. Leave No Trace (LNT) takes environmental protection as the starting point and strives to reduce the damage to the nature when engaging with tourists, such as hiking, mountain climbing, and camping. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the campers'' LNT awareness, and examine the impact of educational briefing. The study aimed to investigate college students and the snowball sampling was used. The research data were analyzed with IBM SPSS Statistics 27.0, including descriptive statistics, test of validity and reliability, and one-way ANOVA. The results showed that participants had high scores in all seven LNT principles but "travel and camp on durable surfaces". After the intervention of different types of briefings, the scores of "video presentation" and "brochure reading" were significantly higher than "oral presentation " and "no briefing ". It is expected that through the different types of educational intervention, the purposes of LNT can be reached and the environmental damage are more likely to be reduced.
