  • 期刊


Effects of Learning Performance for Marketing Empirical Skills by Incorporating Industrial Practice for Agriculture College Students




With the changes in industry infrastructure, in addition to the traditional skills in agricultural production, there is now more commercial education needed for human resources in the agriculture industry to satisfy the need for developing more modern agriculture. However, one problem with our college education system is that academic education does not conform to the needs of industry in many cases. For example, previous studies have shown that college business courses are now very academically oriented. Due to the importance of empirical training and commercial education for modern agriculture education, this study intends to increase learning efficiency for students in agricultural college for marketing empirical skill education, doing so through input by tutors from industry. This study investigates the influences derived from the intervention of these industry tutors for the learning efficiency of college students majoring in agriculture. These influences include three areas: learning intentions, marketing empirical skills, and creativity in marketing. The means to incorporate tutors from industry in this study includes the sharing of industry experience, visits to businesses, and problem-solving exercises. This study also provides a systematic discussion on the design of course intervention by industry tutors and the relative influences on learning efficiency for the students' learning of marketing empirical skills. The research findings are valuable for course design in the education of our agricultural workforce.
