  • 期刊


Automated Monitoring System for Seedling Transplanters


移植機為臺灣種植蔬果非常重要的農業機械,佔我國農業機械產品研發比例約10%,發展並精進移植機這種自動化機械能夠有效改善缺工問題及降低成本。因此,為了能夠進一步提升移植效率,本研究的主要目的為研製出一套蔬果移植機用的監測系統,藉以監測移植機在行走時的作業情形,紀錄移植株數、移植機的位置、速度,並即時傳輸至雲端空間,再將數據進行處理以計算行走路徑長度及其涵蓋面積,提供管理者進行作業管理,提高作業效率。監測系統採用紅外線感測器進行感測種植株數的動作。此外,系統使用全球定位模組(GPS)回傳移植機的位置、速度及行走路徑,並使用記憶卡儲存位置資訊,匯入Google地圖計算路徑長度及其涵蓋面積。控制晶片使用Arduino Mega蒐集各感測器模組的資訊,再藉由無線網路通訊模組(ESP8266)將資訊上傳至雲端,農田管理者可隨時隨地使用行動裝置上網取得作業數據。經實驗證實,計數系統、即時定位系統及GPS資料紀錄系統都有良好的精準度,可應用於蔬果苗移植機的作業監測。若能繼續加入移植機的其他功能,將有助於農民進行最適當的作業管理及作業效率最佳化。


Seedling transplanters are crucial agricultural machinery for growing vegetables and fruit in Taiwan and represent 10% of the development of agricultural machinery products. The development and refinement of automated seedling transplanters can ameliorate labor shortages and reduce costs. To improve transplanting efficiency, a monitoring system to track seedling transplanter operations was developed that could record the number of transplanted plants as well as the location and speed of the transplanter. The monitoring system supports real-time data transmission to the cloud. Data are processed to calculate the moving distance and operating area covered by the transplanter, and the information obtained can facilitate operations management and enhance operational efficiency. The monitoring system incorporates an infrared sensor to detect the movement of new plants. In addition, a global positioning system (GPS) determines the location, speed, and path of each seedling transplanter. The system uses a memory card to store location data, which could later be imported into Google Maps to calculate path length and area. An Arduino Mega control chip collects information on various sensing modules. Then a wireless communication module (ESP8266) uploaded data to the cloud. Farm managers can use mobile devices to obtain operational data online at any time. Results show that the counting system, real-time positioning system, and GPS data recording system have satisfactory precision and can monitor the operations of seedling transplanters. With added functions it can help farmers improve their work management and increase operational efficiency.


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