  • 期刊

Modified Wii Remote Controller Used in Manipulation of Newly Developed Digital Lettuce Museum



本研究開發一套數位萵苣博物館並設計一套特有的人機介面,藉由Wii遙控器與紅外線發光二極體陣列(IR LED array)整合模擬滑鼠功能與手勢辨識來操控電腦以及套裝軟體。利用手勢辨識可以快速地啟動數位萵苣博物館和其他的應用程式。手勢辨識主要係利用互相關分析與筆畫順序比對來辨識使用者揮出的手勢,在內建資料庫中建立八種手勢。手勢辨識的平均辨識率可達91.25%。此外,本系統亦容許使用者自行建立手勢資料庫。除了手勢辨識之外,亦可利用滑鼠模擬功能操控數位萵苣博物館和其他應用程式。數位萵苣博物館係由Matlab所建構,總共收集了19種萵苣品種並加以介紹,內容包括中英文品名、學名、特徵、適合種植的氣候條件、整地、施肥需求和圖片等。利用Wii遙控器控制電腦可以作為數位萵苣博物館教學或簡報之媒介,不必侷限於電腦周圍小範圍內才能進行操控。


This study is to develop a human machine interface (HMI) based on Nintendo Wii remote controller and IR LED array for mouse emulation and gesture recognition. A digital lettuce museum is also developed under Matlab environment, which consists of 19 varieties of lettuce described in details, including the names and pictures of lettuce, features, field preparation, fertilizer and climate conditions suitable for growing. The HMI is employed to quickly access the developed digital lettuce museum and any other applications installed on a computer, particularly suitable for use in oral presention, without being confined to small area around the computer. Cross correlation and stroke order comparison approach are developed as the gesture recognition algorithm to recognize eight gestures in the built database. The average recognition rate for the eight gestures can be up to 91.25%. Besides, the system allows users to define their own gestures and incorporate them into the existing database.
