  • 期刊


Study on Hong Kong Consumer Behavior Toward Taiwanese Mangoes Using KAP Model


本文採用KAP(Knowledge, Attitude, Practice)模式分析香港消費者是否具備臺灣芒果的相關知識,對其消費芒果的態度與消費行為的影響,以提供我國業者擴大外銷至香港規模之參考。實證過程先根據文獻設計問卷,並在2022年6月23日至7月7日期間,針對20歲以上香港消費者,採用網路與紙本並行方式發送問卷,共回收332份,有效問卷率為92.5%。最後,運用迴歸分析發現香港消費者「具備臺灣芒果的知識」對「看待臺灣芒果的態度」及「消費臺灣芒果的行為」有直接影響,此外「看待臺灣芒果的態度」在「具備臺灣芒果的知識」對「消費臺灣芒果的行為」影響過程中,具有中介效果。根據研究發現,建議農政機關加強教育香港消費者對我國有機農產品及產銷履歷標章,以充實消費者的知識。由於態度具有部分中介效果,生產者則可針對香港消費者的喜好,改善芒果的糖度及香氣,或者在更多通路銷售,方便消費者採購,才能強化香港消費者對臺灣芒果的喜愛態度,進而主動或經常購買。


臺灣芒果 香港消費者 知識 態度 行為


This study aims to investigate the impact of the knowledge and attitude of consumers toward Taiwanese mango on consumption behavior in Hong Kong by applying the model of KAP (Knowledge, Attitude, Practice). The survey was conducted in the period of June 23 and July 7 in 2022 using both internet and in-person questionnaires. There was a total of 332 effective questionnaires from Hong Kongers who are aged above 20-years-old. After utilizing regression methods, it is discovered that "the knowledge of Taiwanese mangoes" had a positive impact on consumer's attitude and behavior towards them. "The attitude of Hong Kong consumers towards Taiwanese mangoes" is a mediator variable between their knowledge and consumption, with partial effect. Based on the findings, the government has to spend more effort to promote the certified marks of organic products, and traceable agricultural products in order to enhance the knowledge of Hong Kong consumers. On the other hand, producers had better tailor the aroma and sweetness of mangoes based on their tastes, or provide more convenient channels to sharp the attitude of Hong Kongers.


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