  • 期刊


The effect of the manager's leader style and working pressure on job performance




The domestic financial industry has a difficult business environment. Taiwan's boom has been increasing with the ups and downs of the global economy, which has a significant impact on the performance of the financial industry. As a result, the government, in addition to promoting the bank and expanding the policy of spreading the risk of overseas strongholds, promotes the distribution of the Asian financial market to push into the New South policy. It is hoped that the domestic financial industry will continue to lay out the mainland of China, and then increase the profit margin of Southeast Asian countries such as Thailand, Vietnam and Kampuchea. Raise profits. Therefore, the responsibility of the bank's creditor's obliging department is very important, the collector must face the double factors such as the debtor's evasion of the debt and the performance target delivered by the management class, which makes the work pressure multiplier. So, how to lead the manager of the bank to lead the collector and under the huge pressure of work, the goal of job performance is achieved smoothly, and the purpose of this study is mainly discussed. In this study, we take a qualitative and in-depth interview to explore the impact of the leadership style on the collection team and the influence of the leadership style on the job pressure and performance of the collectors. The conclusions of the study are summarized as follows: 1. The leadership style will affect the performance of work stress. 2. Job stress will affect the performance of job performance. 3. The leadership style will affect the performance of job performance. 4.Transformational leadership has a positive effect on the achievement of performance goals.


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