  • 期刊


Managing Job Stress of Taiwanese Coach Driver-the Revelation of the Cognitive Coping Strategy


遊覽車駕駛員身繫旅途安全,本文以立意抽樣調查臺灣遊覽車駕駛之工作壓力與認知因應,發現遊覽車駕駛員普遍感受中高程度之工作壓力,雖少有離職傾向,但轉行意向高於換公司,離婚率高於未婚率;其舒壓方式,多為調整想法、訴苦吐槽,而較少運用社會資源(就醫或諮詢),且甚少從事動態休閒活動,顯示堅忍下的壓力亟需出口。另PLS(partial least squares)模式驗證認知因應策略對壓力結果有顯著負向影響,能緩解工作壓力源對工作壓力後果的影響、且認知因應策略能中介壓力源與壓力後果。故建議人力資源單位重視因應策略的緩解作用,在例行公路講習之外,推行「駕駛員諮商與壓力管理輔導」教育訓練,輔導駕駛員能使用效能策略因應工作壓力,維持身心平衡,提升行車安全。


This study examines the job stress of Taiwanese coach drivers using cognitive appraisal as mediator. The method of Judgmental Sampling is used to target the drivers at the parking lots of top scenic spots in northern Taiwan. It turns out 401 questionnaires available for data analysis by SPSS21 software. Generally, the drivers have perceived middle to high degree of job stress. However, they are not intended to leave the job. If turnover happens, they would rather change the pro-fession than the job. Moreover, the rate of the divorced is reported higher than that of unmarried, indicating the problem of maintaining family relationship. As to cope the job stress, they usually turn to adjust thoughts and do chatting with peers. Few of them would seek for assistances of social resources (such as medical care or counseling) and even fewer do outdoor activities. The PLS model also in-dicates that the job stressors have a positive effect on the job stress outcomes and cognitive appraisal. Cognitive strategies do intervene and relieve the job stress outcomes. This finding suggests that the stress and health management plan is urgently needed for drivers along with various physical projects issued for im-proving driver's working conditions. After all, the stress perception is subject to the individual cognitive appraisal to any job stressors in the working environ-ment. In turn, the effort would pay off to each safe journey. Finally, the conclu-sions with implications are presented, hopefully, to be useful for human resources management.


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