  • 期刊


The Development of Children's Literature in the Commercial Environment of Hong Kong




發展 優勢 弱點 機會 危機


This paper presents a review of the development of children's literature in Hong Kong in the past two decades. It is found that though Hong Kong has emerged to be an important economic and financial centre in Asia, with excellent infra- structure, the development of children's literature is not keeping the same pace. The writer attempts to apply SWOT analysis to discuss the Strength, Weakness, opportunity and Threat that children's literature is facing in Hong Kong's commercial environment, in quest of more room for its development. The development of a city will not be complete if literature and culture are only dragging behind. Moreover children's literature is important in shaping our future masters. Thus in order to speed up the development, we need to have long term view and plans from the top, resources and relevant hardware, cooperation of educators, publishers writers and parents in promoting reading culture and literature appreciation, setting up of times.


Development Strength Weakness Opportunity Threat
