  • 期刊

台灣童話的「在地化」省思 黃春明及鄭清文作品研究

An Analysis on the Localization of Taiwan's Fairytales: A Study of Huang Chun Ming and Zheng Qing Wen's Writing




台灣文化 童話 在地化 懷鄉 鄉土


Taiwan literature came across modernization in the 1950s to 1960s, experiencing dispute on native literature and so-called post-modern literature in the 1990s, "localization" becomes an important topic. The main concern of "localization" is how to define "native-ness". Children and the older generation may not share much collective memories. Urbanization changes Taiwanese's native life experiences and emerges with a new social outlook; the television generation is rather unfamiliar with rural life and political influence under Japanese colonial era. "Native-ness" becomes a kind of loosen memory. How do fairytales transmit Taiwan's history and people's life experiences? How do authors connect their observation of reality with children's fantasy world? How to encourage children to search for and explore their own culture through certain kind of images? "Native-ness" is based on the hope of root searching by people, signifying the necessary process of cultural integration and de-integration. In the view point of children, "native-ness" tends to represent a sense of belonging and security, instead of stead of discourse on abstract concepts. In this paper, "native-ness" consists of three definitions: firstly, the geographical native-ness; secondly, the spiritual native-ness; thirdly, the binary concept of local (inner mind, eg. ego) and outland (outer mind, eg. social norms). We will revel the meaning of "native-ness" of Taiwan's fairytales within these scopes. By examining Ye Shengtao's "Scarecrow", this paper introduces the development of Taiwan's fairytales, and explains how authors establish concern to natural environment, identity from homeland culture and connection with child's memories in order to construct a combined world of reality and fantasy, by using Huang Chunming and Zheng Qingwen's writing as examples.
