  • 期刊


Nursing Care for an ICU Patient Suffering from Acute Pain and Post-traumatic Stress Disorder after Multiple Traumas




This article describes the nursing care of a patient suffering from acute pain and post-traumatic stress disorder after multiple traumas. Data were collected through interviews with the patient and his family members, observation, direct care, and medical chart review from May 9 to May 17, 2018. Based on a holistic assessment and SPAN-C (startle, physiological upset, anger, and numbness-Chinese version) screening tool, health problems of an inefficient respiratory pattern, severe pain and post-traumatic stress disorder were identified. We provided a comprehensive breath plan to improve the patient's inefficient respiratory pattern, used pharmacological and nonpharmacological interventions to help the patient deal with severe pain and provided assessment with the SPAN-C tool for post-traumatic stress disorder. The nursing care included facilitating discussions among multidisciplinary teams, providing family-centered care, and teaching the family to support the patient. After mind-body holistic care, the patient's health status recovered well. Based on this nursing care experience, use of the SPAN-C tool is suggested to assess the possibility of posttraumatic stress disorders for patients with traumatic injury. In addition, cooperation with team members to provide an appropriate care plan and interventions to improve the quality of care is necessary.
