  • 期刊


A Study of the Scoring Schema of Reasoning Skills Assessment Criteria


本研究旨在規劃理性思維能力之評量共識;亦即,針對十四項理性思維評量標準規劃與檢視其測驗之標準化計分基準,並且具體設計每一項理性標準之計分基準予以等級化,作為設計學生自我評量、以及教師評量學生理性思維表現之參考依據。 本研究依據過去的相關文獻,探討理性思維表現的評量方式,並且規劃出具體的理性思維評量計分基準,並且採用專家評鑑法,邀請專家學者鑑定,以改善這套計分基準的適宜性。在五十位受邀校訂的學者當中,有三十位大專校院的教師有效地提供本項研究中計分規劃的回應和詳細的修訂意見。研究者乃綜合專家學者的鑑定結果和修正意見,試圖整理出堪為評量標竿的理性思維計分基準。本研究的結果和建議也引發出一些開發理性思維能力評量的新方向,建議仍需進一步的研究以開發更適切的評量工具與評量模式,以期更有效地反映出理性思維的能力程度與理性思維教育的效益,促進理性思維教育的研究與發展。


This study was conducted in order to develop the scoring schema for each reasoning skills assessment criterion which had been identified as a crucial component in the reasoning skills mechanism. This scoring schema was developed through both holistic scoring and the analysis of scoring techniques, taking into account the viewpoints of raters, rated subjects, and interpreters. This study employed multiple methods used in previous research, including the Delphi technique, expert evaluation, and measurement statistics. A sample of fifty professors was invited to provide their opinions and experience related to reasoning skills assessment. Experts in the field of measurement were consulted for evaluation and modification of the scoring design. The final scoring system for reasoning skills assessment was completed on the basis of several revisions and syntheses. The current study proposes an alternative approach for transferring qualitative reasoning skills assessment into quantitative scoring schema. This approach may foster further in-depth research on the reasoning skills mechanism.


reasoning skills scoring schema
