  • 期刊


The Research on Correlation of Information Search Behavior and Rural Traveling Experience


二十世紀九十年代,以個人心理感受為主要訴求的體驗理論逐漸興起,並形成觀光休閒活動規劃設計的主流。運用自己的感官,挑起視覺、聽覺、嗅覺、味覺及觸覺,形成個人整體的心理感受,以獲得感性的愉悅及知性的充實,成為鄉村體驗活動設計的最高方針。提供體驗為核心商品或服務的「體驗式經濟」(Experience Economy)活動已然蓬勃發展。本研究針對農村風情網(http://rural.swcb.gov.tw)會員,研究過去半年內曾進行鄉村旅遊(Rural Tourism)且旅遊前會先蒐集旅遊資訊的會員做為對象。希望探討其資訊尋求行為(Information Search Behavior)與鄉村旅遊體驗過程之感受是否具有顯著相關及相關性為何。本研究使用問卷進行資料的蒐集,並經由統計方法轉化為量化資料以便進行相關分析與探討。利用統計方法,從樣本取樣、項目分析、因素分析、信度分析、檢定方法及典型相關分析(Canonical Analysis),驗證資訊尋求行為與鄉村旅遊體驗具有正相關。同時,本研究並分析出,男性及已婚有小孩者更加重視鄉村體驗,因此,本研究建議政府相關單位在進行推廣鄉村體驗旅遊時,需先提供完整旅遊資訊,以提高旅遊者對鄉村旅遊之體驗。


In late nineties, the experience theories that focused on personal perception were raised and it formed the trend of designing of rural tourism. Making a tourism plan to enhance tourist's perception, including vision, hearing, smelling, tasting, and the sense of touch to enhance a complete <||>experience<||> become the guidance rural experiential tourism planning work. Therefore, the experiential economy that highlighted the human perception in traveling experience is flourishing. The research focused on members of the rural scenery website of SWCB. The purpose of the study is finding out the interactive and relationship of information search behavior and traveling perception. For the reason, we typically focus on those who are used to do information search before traveling and had been traveling to rural area in past half year. The research used questionnaire survey to gather all essential data, and statistical method to covert it into quantitative data. The study carried out sampling, item analysis, factor analysis and reliability analysis and canonical analysis to identify the positive correlation between information search behavior and traveling experience. In another word, those who always do information search has a better traveling experience perception. The result leads to suggestion to rural development agency. To approach a better rural traveling experience for public and extend tourism business of rural area, serving better tourism information is essential.


