  • 期刊


The Theory and Practice of City Diplomacy-A Case Study on Taipei City Hall


由於全球化及經濟發展雙重因素的衝擊,城市在全球治理的角色日益提昇,而城市間的相互交流也日趨密切並形成網絡。另一方面,我國外交近年持續轉型,改採所謂「務實外交」的政策。其中,以城市為主體所進行之「城市外交」,即是務實外交重要的一環。 台北市長久以來即為台灣的首善之區,也是政治、經濟與文化發展的中心,更是全球化經濟時代台灣與國際社會接軌的主要界面。近年來,台北市政府積極推展城市外交,經由文化、科技、經濟與貿易各方面,強化與全球各主要城市進行交流與互動。 本研究先行探討城市外交與政策學習的相關理論及重要意涵,以台北市政府大力推展城市外交的陳水扁與馬英九兩任市長進行比較研析,並探討台北市政府是否達成城市外交的預期目標。


As a result of globalization and economic development, the role of cities in global governance has been strengthened and major cities worldwide have formed an interrelated network. Taiwan's central government has changed its approach to involve in international affairs by adopting the ”pragmatic diplomacy”. Following on this diplomatic way, city diplomacy has been an important part of the state's foreign policy. For a long time, Taipei city has been played as an active role in Taiwan's political, economic and cultural development. In the new era of global economy, Taipei city is as well a main connection between Taiwan and international community. Currently, Taipei City Hall is developing its relationship through the cultural, technological, economic, and trade exchanges with big cities of other countries. This study firstly examines the theory and policy learning of city diplomacy. Then, it makes a comparative analysis to the different ways of city diplomacy in Mayor Chen Shui-bian's term and Mayor Ma Ying-jeou's term. At last, it evaluates what the Taipei City Hall, even under different Majors, has achieved to the goals of city diplomacy at all.


