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The Frontiers of the Diaspora: Diaspora Discourse, Accented Cinema and Ice Kacang Puppy Love




This article demonstrates that Malaysian Chinese diaspora discourse is not completely anti-localization. It retraces and examines the origins and development of Malaysian Bumiputera privileges in order to demonstrate that not only does this constitute the frontier of the Malaysian Chinese diaspora, but also constructs a Taiwan-resident Malaysian Chinese diaspora discourse, emblematized by author and critic Ng Kim Chew. This diaspora discourse excludes Malaysian Chinese localization discourse, and tends to create a theoretical link between localization and the "original homeland" myth of Bumiputera privileges. This article reflects on the difficulties and legitimacy of Malaysian Chinese localization, employing Sinophone theory to explore the "accented style" and the identity of local sensibility evident in the accented cinema Ice Kacang Puppy Love. When first screened, this film was not regarded by state film body FINAS as a domestic Malaysian film. Only after director Ah Niu took the Malaysian government to task over this on a Taiwanese arts show did opposition and governing parties unite to protest this, eventually winning the film recognition as a domestic production exempt from the entertainment tax. Ah Niu is firmly rooted in Malaysian soil, but also steps into Taiwan and other Chinese societies. His use of a diaspora or against diaspora position to criticize the Malaysian government and gain recognition is a process of deterritorialization and reterritorialization, illustrating the way in which diaspora and localization co-exist and thrive in Malaysian Chinese society. Ice Kacang Puppy Love’s descriptive framework for Chinese-Malay relations is not confined to standard ethnic templates, but creatively morphs into a criticism of Sinification discourse and the patriarchy. It also uses a Malaysian Chinese "accented style" and local music composition to create an identity of local sensibility, enabling fluid local-ness to transform into a local accent within a diaspora film: it can be brought across frontiers at will, resulting in the deterritorialization of the diaspora.


史書美(2017)。反離散:華語語系研究論。臺北=Taipei:聯經出版社=Linking Publishing Company。
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