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Pháinn-Mih-A: the Narrative of "Thing" and "Necro-geography" on Earth


謝介裕(Sieh, Jieh-Yu)。2017/06/15。〈竹山9宮廟聯合建醮 17校挪課惹議〉“Zhushan jiugongmiao lianhe jianjiao shiqixiao nuoke reyi” [A total of 9 temples in Zhushan Township jointly held ritual activities, and the curriculum adjustment caused protests from 17 schools],《自由時報網》Ziyou Shibao Wang [The Liberty Times]。Retrieved from: http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/local/paper/1110808 on Jul 6, 2018.
張芳榮(Jhang, Fang-Rong)。2017/07/19。〈仰德奪命彎3年388死傷〉“Yangde duomingwan sannian sanbaibashiba sishan” [388 casualties on Yangde Avenue in 3 years],《壹週刊》Yi Zhoukan [Next Magazine]。Retrieved from: http://www.nextmag.com.tw/realtimenews/news/324352 on Jul 6, 2018.
潘姵如(Pan, Pei-Ru)。2017/07/20。〈仰德大道10年19死逾千傷〉“Yangde dadao shinian shijiusi yuqianshan” [Nearly 1,000 people were injured on Yangde Avenue in 10 years and 19 dead],《華視新聞網》Huashi Xinwen Wang [CTS NEWS]。 Retrieved from: http://www.chinesedaily.com/focus_list.asp?no=c77118.txt&catid=3&lanmu=T25&readdate=7-20-2017 on Jul 6, 2018.
廖研堡、鄭仕欣(Liao, Yan-Bao and Jheng Shih-Sin)。2017/07/20。〈仰德大道傳抓交替,神秘「ㄇ型彎」框住冤魂〉“Yangde dadao zhuajiaoti, shenmi ‘ㄇxingwan’ kuangzhu yuanhun” [There are ghosts on Yangde Avenue, and the weird “ㄇ-shaped curve” gathers ghosts],《三立新聞網》Sanli Xinwen Wang [SET News Channel]。Retrieved from: http://www.setn.com/News.aspx?NewsID=274492 on Jul 6, 2018.
陳鴻偉、李文正、張潼(Chen, Hong-Wei, Li Wun-Jheng and Jhang Tong)。2017/7/20。〈「抓交替」近3年奪16命〉“‘Zhuajiaoti’ jinsannian duo shiliuming” [Ghosts took 16 lives in 3 years],《中時電子報》Zhongshi Dianzi Bao [China Times]。Retrieved from: http://www.chinatimes.com/newspapers/20170720000430-260106 on Jul 6, 2018.
