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The case study on the implementation strategy of self-checklist character education


本研究目的在發展一套適合個案學校實施品德教育之可行策略選擇的歷程,藉由在個案學校推動的過程與經驗,希冀能將此策略選擇之發展歷程,提供其他學校參考。本研究透過歷年品德教育實施策略相關文獻及教育部所公佈的「品德教育資源網」探討後,共歸納出三十四項準則,提供個案學校選擇優先用於實施學校本位品德教育之參考策略。透過可行策略優先選用問卷,選出個案學校優先採用之八項準則,接著進行AHP 權重分析問卷,分析各準則之權重。本研究依據分析結果發現最重要的前八項準則策略依序為:提供學習楷模公開表揚(19.6%)、提供學生品德實踐機會(19.5%)、自行設計品德課程教材(16.6%)、強調落實品德實踐重要(13.2%)、融入領域教學培養觀念(11.3%)、身教言教須為學生表率(8.4%)、利用機會宣導品德教育(6.8%)、營造優質校園環境文化(4.6%),接著並完成適合個案學校之實施學校本位品德教育策略選擇建議表。最後透過焦點團體訪談的方式來了解個案學校成員對於此一歷程及策略選擇建議表的意見,期望此一發展模式對於實施學校本位品德教育策略選擇方面有所助益。


The purpose of this research is to develop a suitable career which contains the practical strategies of processing character education for the individual school. Through the promoting experiences from the individual school, this particular development of "choice of strategy" can be provided as the reference to other schools. After discussion of the research recourses from viewing the references related to character education and the website "Character Education Recourses" published by Ministry of Education, this research can be concluded with 34 principles for the individual school to choose the priority strategy which is viable of executing the character education. From the survey of the priority strategy, the individual school selected 8 principles which would be adopted at the first. Next, processing the "Analytic Hierarchy Process,AHP" is able to analyze the portion of ratio in each different fields. According to the analysis of this research, the first eight strategies are derived as the following: establishing awards to recognize individuals of exemplary character (19.6%), providing opportunities for students to do meaningful service learning related to the character skills (19.5), designing teaching and learning materials for character education curriculum (16.6%), placing emphasis on the importance of practicing character skills (13.2%), integrating character skills into appropriate lesson plans in all academic subjects to cultivate the concept (11.3%), modeling pro-social behavior promoting students acting in the same way (8.4%), using opportunities to promote moral education (6.8%), building up the high quality environment and culture (4.6%). Then, the option-advised chart is accomplished to be workable for the individual school in order to process character education with school-based. Finally, knowing opinions from members of the individual school regard their perspectives on this certain experience and strategic option-advised chart through focus group interviews. It is expected that this type of developing pattern will benefit the side of schools to execute the school-based character education.


