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The Dynamic Balance View of Suffering and Well-being in Second Wave Positive Psychology and its Educational Implications for Exploring the Meaning of Life


本研究目的主要以應用當代第二波正向心理學(PP2.0)的辯證思維及其假設,進行整合性的文獻探討,理解並分析「苦難」與「幸福」兩者看似對立衝突變項的意涵,並探究正負向因素之間的動態平衡互動關係與身心平衡的方法模式。研究問題包括:苦難與幸福的多元意涵為何?第二波正向心理學對於苦難與幸福的動態平衡觀點及其因應模式為何?這些觀點對於探究生命意義之教育和啓示為何?經由文獻探討與綜合分析,爬梳歸納苦難與幸福從醫學、生物、哲學、宗教靈性、心理病理等觀點的多重意涵,而至近期PP2.0學者提出的系統觀點-從Wilber的四大象限延伸至幸福感的LIFE系統模式,以及幸福感研究的類型論。當代第二波正向心理學為發展中的觀點,係整合存在主義、人本心理學、Frankl的意義治療與Seligman的正向心理學,本研究歸納PP2.0具有三項主要命題假設:第一是人們生而與苦共存,第二是以意義為中心的取向,第三是透過意義積極尋找面對苦的方法。PP2.0學者們對於苦難與幸福的整合主張,認為正負因素之間具有辯證與互動關係,強調主觀幸福感的動態平衡觀點,此項平衡互動模式也與近期佛教心理學家所關注的心理平衡(mental balance)的研究,在因應方法上得到支持。推動PP2.0主要學者Paul Wong進而提出雙系統模式-迴避和趨近的雙過程運用之動態平衡。結論提出對於探究生命意義之教育啓示,包括:一、苦難與幸福之多元觀點能強化生命意義的全人觀和系統整體觀。二、非二元對立的動態平衡觀點對於引導成人學習面對生命中的苦難與幸福具有積極正向的生命教育意義。三、第二波正向心理學對於正向教育具有引導創新方案思維的啓發與理論辯證。


This study applies the dialectical thinking and hypotheses of the modern second wave positive psychology (PP2.0) to conduct an integrated literature discussion. It aims to understand and analyze the meaning of the seemingly contradictory and conflicting variables of "suffering" and "well-being," and explore the dynamic balance and interaction between positive and negative factors and the method model of physical and mental balance. The research questions include: What are the multiple meanings of suffering and well-being? What is the second wave positive psychology's view on the dynamic balance between suffering and well-being and its response mode? What are the educational and inspirational implications of these views for exploring the meaning of life? Through a literature review and comprehensive analysis, this study summarizes the multiple meanings of suffering and well-being from aspects such as medicine, biology, philosophy, religious spirituality, and psychopathology to the systematic view that was put forward by PP2.0 scholars recently-the LIFE system model extended from Wilber's four quadrants to well-being and the typology of well-being research. PP2.0 is a developing perspective that integrates existentialism, humanistic psychology, Frankl's logotherapy, and Seligman's positive psychology. This study proposes three hypotheses based on the summary of PP2.0: first, people are born to co-exist with suffering; second, orientation should be centered on meanings; and third, people should actively find ways to face suffering through meanings. According to the integration views of suffering and well-being, PP2.0 scholars believe that there is a dialectical and interactive relationship between positive and negative factors and further emphasize the dynamic balance view of subjective well-being. The balance interaction model is also supported by the recent research of Buddhist psychologists on mental balance. Paul Wong, a major scholar who advocates for PP 2.0, further proposed the dual systems model which illustrates a dynamic balance between the dual process applications of avoidance and approach. The conclusions provide educational implications for exploring the meaning of life, including: 1、The multiple perspectives on suffering and well-being can help strengthen a holistic and systematic view of the meaning of life. 2、The dynamic balance of non-binary opposition has a positive significance for life education by guiding adults to learn how to face suffering and well-being in life. 3、Second wave positive psychology guides inspiration and theoretical dialectics for innovative programs in positive education.
