  • 期刊


The Alternative Frameworks of Heat and Temperature Concepts of the Elementary and the Normal College Students


本文旨在探查師院大一與國小六年級學生對於熱與溫度概念的另有架構,亦即瞭解學生有那些比較共通的想法是和課本所述不同。研究結果可提供師院普通物理課程相關單元教學的參考。 本研究採用質的研究方法,參考Ault, Novak & Gowin等人所發展的「學生晤談V圖」,對四位師院大一學生和五位國小六年級學生進行晤談及晤談結果的分析與呈現。晤談對象的選選是利用開放性的試題先對466位學生進行紙筆測驗,其次將學生的作答予以歸類,並就各個概念項目逐項分析統計,最復從各類型中找出具有代表性的學生進行深入晤談。 比較學生晤談V圖與課本熱與溫度概念架構圖後,顯示學生除了比較缺乏熱平衡、熱傳播、潛熱、比熱等概念之外,在熱與溫度概念方面常見的另有架構有下列兩種: 一、熱乃實體物質的架構 1.熱像一種氣體(氣泡、水蒸氣)是由熱氣和冷氣組成。 2.熱是由一種熱的分子(粒子)組成,可籍由上升、擴散從一物質跑到另一物質或一端跑到另一端。 二、熱即溫度的架構 1.「熱」和「溫度」是一樣的稱為「熱度」,溫度多少就是熱多少。 2.溫度代表一物體所含熱量的多少。




The main purpose of this study was to find out for normal college freshmen and elementary school six-grade students the alternative frameworks they held about heat and temperature, in the hope that one might better understand alternative conceptions shared by a number of students which were different from the intended learning outcomes of the textbooks. Results of this study should be able to provide a helpful reference for instructors in normal colleges in teaching General Physics. Qualitative research method was adopted in this study, with the use of students interview vee maps developed by Ault, Novak & Gowin for administering the interview, analyzing interview tasks, and constructing interview Vee maps. The interview subjects included four normal college freshmen and five elementary school students, they were selected from a sample of 466 students who had been previously subjected to a paper-pencil test. The students selected for in-depth interview were representatives to the students having similar alternative conceptions about heat and temperature, as indicated in their responses to guestions in the paper-pencil test. Comparison of students interview Vee maps with the heat and temperature template of the textbook indicated that in addition to the lack of concepts in thermal equilibrium, heat transfer, latent heat, and specific heat, the following alternative frameworks were Graduate Institute of science Education common among students: substantive framework (in which heat is viewed as a substance): (l).eat is considered to be some kind of gas, such as air bubbles or water vapors, and consisted of both hot and cold gases. (2).Heat is made of hot molecules or particles, and therefore, may rise or diffuse from one material into another, or from one end to another. Equivalent framework (in which heat is considered to be the same as temperature): (1).Both heat and temperature are referred to as “hotness”. Tempernature and heat are the same. (2).Texnperature reading indicates the amount of heat contained in a body.




