  • 期刊


The Study of Physics Conceptual Change Based on A Learning Cycle of Group-Discussion Analogical-Learning at Junior High Level


本研究旨在以質的研究方式,利用合作學習式的類比學習環配合以問題為中心的小組討論之教學策略,來嘗試讓國一學生學習物理概念(壓力),並探討教學中所發生的現象、類比轉移的運作及學生的概念轉變情形。研究樣本取自臺灣省彰化縣一所國中的一個班級的學生。全班分成七個小組,並從其中選取兩個小組當作觀察物件。在實施正式教學前,首先實施有關壓力的概念層次測驗及概念圖測驗,接著實施實驗教學,實驗教學時則以觀察和轉錄記錄下整個學生活動過程,教學後則施以相同的概念層次驗和概念圖測驗。經由前後測的結果比較及從轉錄之小組討論分析中,發現在學習過程中,小組討論有強討論及弱討論的現象。而在整個學習環的進行中,發現在小組對討論情況的強弱對於以問題為中心的合作學習式的類比學習環的成效有顯著衝擊。主要的發現如下: 一、認知面的角度來看,強討論小組藉由類比學習環的引導及小組領導者的帶領下,逐步完成每階段問題的學習目的。從態度面的角度來看,雖然強討論小組的討論氣氛並不如預期般的熱烈,但卻能激烈小組組員的學習動機。從社會面的觀點來看,強討論小組的互動情形則因有成員扮演領導者的角色,能做出結論與解決組員所提出之疑問。在整體性的評估上,強討論小組要比弱討論小組要來得積極與正向。 二、強討論小組類比轉移的發生主要藉由依循類比學習環的四個類比機制,以及類比橋範例的實際觀察,配合領導者的完成類比學習之後,藉由討論來幫助組內同學一起達成類比轉移的學習目的。 三、強討論小組組員的概念改變情形比弱討論小組組員來得明顯,尤其是強討論小組的領導者能正確地將結構關係P=HD轉移於不同領域。




The study in qualitative aspect aimed at using a learning cycle of group-discussion analogical-learning to let junior students learn physics concepts (pressure) and discussing the phenomena, analogical mapping, and concept change in the teaching experiment. The subjects consisted of a class of students in one junior high school in Changhua, Taiwan. The students were divided into seven groups and two of them were chosen to observe. The subjects received a test about the concept level and the concept map before the teaching experiment and also received the same test after the teaching experiment. The teaching experiment was recorded by video tape and note book. It was found that one of the groups chosen to be observed had strong discussion and the other had weak discussion from the comparison of tests and the video tape. It also was founded that the situations of group discussion impacted significantly on the effects of the learning cycle adimistered. The major findings of this study are that: 1. From the cognition aspect, strong-discussion group completed learning by analogical learning cycle and the leader of the group. From the attitude aspect, though the discussion of strong-discussion group was not so much, it was stimulated the learning desire of the members. From the society aspect, the strong-discussion group had member to play the role of leader and he could make a conclusion and resolve the questions from the other members. In the all, strong-discussion group performed more active and positive than weak-discussion group. 2. The analogical mapping of strong-discussion group was made by four analogical mechanism of analogical learning cycle, observing bridging analogies, and the discussion between the group leader who had completed analogical learning and the other group members. 3. The concepts change of strong-discussion group members is more obvious than the members of weak-discussion group, especially the leader of the former can map the concept “p=hd” to different field and affect the other group members. It is observed that discussion




