  • 期刊


A Case Study of implementing a POE Instruction by a Chemistry Teacher in Junior High School


本研究的主要目的為探討教師如何在國中理化課進行POE教學,并評估其成效及可能之相關影響因素。研究主要采用質性研究法,邀請一位個案教師及其任教班級參與本研究。研究期間為一個學期,總共進行了五次POE的教學活動,資料來源有:學生的POE工作單、課堂錄音與錄影資料、教師的晤談資料、學生的晤談資料、研究者教室觀察的場記、學生的問卷與測驗資料。所蒐集到的資料經轉錄後,進行歸納與比較分析,并與不同資料進行三角校正,以期能夠呈現個案教師在國中理化課室環境下進行POE教學的真實情境。 研究發現,在進行本研究前,個案教師對科學本質、建構論等理念已經有一些體認,經由研究者的協助,個案教師的POE教學已經從生疏、試驗,改進到體認、熟練的階段,并且將POE加以改進教學評量的策略。 從訪談以及課室觀察的資料可以發現,POE不但可以幫助教師診斷學生的學習狀況,從增加的活動中,可以進一步進行教學反省與改進,幫助教師反思教學理論、促進教師的專業成長,并落實於教學實務中。此外,學生對於POE的學習情境持正向的看法,他們喜歡這樣的活動,認為這樣的活動對理化的學習有幫助,并且可以刺激思考與學習的好奇心。而影響教師進行POE教學的因素可能包括外在環境因素(考試與升學壓力、外在環境的支援、教學時間)以及教師專業知能因素(實驗器材的準備能力、尋求支援與溝通的能力、流程控制的能力、教學反省能力)等等。 基于以上發現,研究者建議發展適合國中課程的POE教學單元,透過參考、模仿或是修改已開發的教學單元來推行POE。此外,建立POE教學資源庫,并利用工作坊等機會讓其他教師實作與檢討,也是未來值得嘗試的方案。




The purpose of this study was to explore how a teacher implement a POE (Prediction-Observation-Explanation) instruction and to evaluate its effectiveness on students' learning in secondary science classes. A qualitative research method was mainly used in this study. One teacher and his class were invited to participate in this study for one semester. There were five POE instruction activities observed during this study. Data collection included worksheets, interviews, classroom observations, related documents, and questionnaire investigations. The data were transcribed, coded, analyzed to form assertions. Assertions were tested and verified by using triangular method. The results indicated that before this study, the teacher had known some issues of constructivism, and he was interested in some topics of POE instruction. After the assistance from the researcher, his POE instruction had gone from unfamiliarity and trial to perception and mastery. Furthermore, he was able to use his POE instruction to evaluate his teaching and his students' learning. The data of interviews and classroom observations revealed that the POE instruction not only helped the teacher assess students' learning, but also improved his teaching to go further. By the strategies of POE, the teacher could reflect his teaching and prompt his professional development with instruction practice. Besides, his students held positive attitudes with regard to the POE learning environment. They were fond of those activities in the classroom, believing they could do good to their science learning, excite their thinking, and evoke their curiosity of learning. There were some factors that might influence the teacher's implementation of POE instruction, such as the external environment limits (time constraint, pressure of examinations, school support) and personal abilities (preparation for experiment equipments, request for support, process control, reflection for instruction). Therefore, it is recommended in this study that we can popularize POE instruction by imitating, modifying or referring to those modules which had been developed in the secondary school. Moreover, the establishment of POE databases and workshops were also suggested in this study.


