  • 期刊


The Use of Natural Support in Supported Employment


本研究探討國內在支持性就業服務中自然支持的應用情形及其成效。研究者以自編之「支持需求檢核表」深入調查訪談十位就業服務員,每位就業服務員提供兩位已進入就業追蹤、一位正在密集輔導階段之身心障礙案主,計三十位。 研究結果顯示在十二類共九十二個內容項目中,三十名個案在密集輔導階段的支持需求從10項至62項不等,而在追蹤輔導階段則從1項至26項不等,其間變異頗大,且在密集輔導階段所需之支持明顯高於追蹤輔導階段。不論在密集或追蹤階段,其自然支持有七成以上均需仰賴就服員來主導與安排,其餘之支持來源還包括家人、同事、雇主、老師、校長、同學、志工、身心障礙福利團體、褓母等。 至於支持活動的功能,在密集與輔導階段均以工作技能之加強、工作相關技能之訓練、工作型為支持與人際溝通與建立友誼為多。案主需支持之內容項目雖多,但須廣泛或全面之支持程度的項目並不多,而就服員介入每位個案支持的時間長度,其密集輔導的時數從24小時至329小時均有,變異頗大。至於其成效,三十名個案中雖然有兩位在本研究結束前因故離職,但其餘個案均能在後續提供支持的狀況下繼續工作,對於其工作現況都頗為滿意,家長與雇主也都持正向反應,就服員對於職場之支持品質也都給予肯定。本研究亦針對自然支持實施過程中問題,提出具體建議供有關單位參考。




Supported employment is considered an important part of transition service for individuals with disabilities. However, there is a paucity of research regarding the process of supported employment implementation. This research study was aimed to explore the natural support features in supported employment involving 30 individuals with disabilities. The participants were 20 males and 10 females, among which 22 were moderately or severely retarded, three had psychiatric disorders, four were multiply handicapped, and one had autism. They were full-time employed as grocery workers (n=9), assembly workers (n=9) ,genitors (n=6), car washers (n=2), kitchen assistants (n=3) and laundry worker(n=1). Their monthly incomes are above the lowest wages mandated by law. To address the issues of needs, function, resource, intensity, and duration of naturalsupport in supported employment, The Workplace Support Questionnaire was utilized and Individualized Employment Plans(IEP) were analyzed. The results indicated that, during the intensive support period, eleven to 62 items of support activities were identified as the support needs, and that, in follow-up, less(one to 26) items were identified. The content of support needs covers the following twelve areas:(1) in-home living assistance, (2) health assistance, (3)financial planning, (4) transportation training, (5) befriending, (6) work skills training, (7)work behavior support, (8) leisure arrangement, (9) job accommodation, (10) emotional management, (11) work-related skill training, and (12) self advocacy. The information from IEPs and in-depth interviews indicates that more than 80 support activities of 12 support functions were provided by employment specialists, family members, workplace personnel (i.e.,employers and coworkers), and formerteachers. The top ten of support activities for these supported employees during intensive support stage are: work mastering (n=26), work pace following (n=21) ,appropriatedressing (n=20), transportation training (n=20), social skills training (n=20), work transportation training (n=20), social skills training (n=20), work scheduling (n=19), work safety reminding (n=17), befriending with coworkers (n=17), financial management (n=16)、and leisure arrangement (n=16). The support activities in follow-up were somewhat different from the intensive support stage, with more emphasis on self-advocacy, health support and emotional support. There were minor discrepancies between needs and support services including the support needs of in-home living, leisurearrangement, and community use. Mor than 70% of support activities were provided or coordinated by employment specialists. With respect to the duration of support, the finding of this study reveals that the support may last for four years due to the variation in workplace. More than half of the supported employees (n=17) were in need of pervasive support in work accuracy, speed, and concentration training. Seven of them need extensive support on befriending with co-workers. Yet, most of support activities are provided on limited time base. Finally,The Quality of Workplace Support Scale was used to elicit opinions from employment specialists regarding quality of the support the participants received. In addition, The Satisfaction Questionnaire was given to the participants, their parents and employers for the effectiveness of the supported employment service.




JunXiong, W. (2011). 休閒農場成立庇護農場可行性之研究 [master's thesis, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6346/NPUST.2011.00081
