  • 期刊


Research of Malaysian National Human Rights Commission


本文以聯合國針對國家人權機構所建構之理想及準則爲基礎,分析馬來西亞國家人權委員會,並且著重於法律規範、組織及職權等三個面向。 本文認爲,馬來西亞設立國家人權委員會之源起,國際壓力占了相當大之因素。而因爲大英國協及亞太區域發展趨勢,影響馬來西亞設立了獨立人權委員會模式之國家人權機構,並制定新法律以規範其組織及職權。 從組機架構觀之,「馬來西亞人權委員會法」已建構了基本規範,但是其問題包括行政權掌握任命及解職委員之完全權力、委員任期太短、專任委員不足等。在經費部分,馬來西亞政府所提供之經費是否完全充分尚有疑問,或可將其預算編列直接由國會決定之。馬來西亞國家人權委員會已有相當不錯之辦公空間、地區辦公室及內部組織,也能聘任相當數量之職員,但是遺憾的是其並無權力訂定對職員之懲戒規則。 有關職權部分,「馬來西亞人權委員會法」確認了國家人權委員會之職權方向,也包括了聯合國所期待的橋樑、促進者及保護者三大功能。國家人權委員會已扮演好橋樑及促進者之角色,其已建議政府應積極加入國際人權條約,並針對各種人權議題提出意見,因此民間團體已漸能肯定國家人權委員會之獨立性及專業性。但是國家人權委員會並沒有扮演好保護者之角色,其沒有提出對於個案之完備建議及追蹤政府改善,對於訪視各拘禁處所亦未提出完整內容及具體建議。 本文認爲馬來西亞國家人權委員會職權無法完全發揮的重要原因是政府未善意回應各種意見及建議,其根本法律理由是「馬來西亞人權委員會法」並沒有規定國家人權委員會各種意見及建議之效力。


This paper examines Malaysian National Human Rights Commission by the ideas and principles established by the United Nations, and focuses on three issues: legal basis, structure and functions. It considers that, because of international pressure, Malaysia established the Commission. Influenced by developments of British Commonwealth and Asia Pacific region an independent Commission was established and a new law was enacted to rule its structure and functions. Regarding its structure, the Commission has established basic rules. However, its problems include administrative branch holding power to appoint all commissioners, commissioners having short term and fewer full-time members. There is a doubt whether the Malaysian government provided adequate budget, and it is suggested that the Commission's budget can be allocated directly by the Parliament. The Commission has three-floor office, regional branches and interior departments, which have many staffs. It is however regret that the Commission has no power to draw up discipline rules. Concerning its functions, the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia Act endorses its direction, which includes three main roles: bridge, promoter and protector that the UN expects. The Commission has played a good role as bridge and promoter, as it has recommended that government should positively access to several international human rights treaties, and also has provided numerous opinions on human rights issues. The result of such efforts was that NGOs have affirmed the Commission's independence and specialty. However, the Commission may not be a good protector. It did not offer fully opinions and suggestions on individual petitions and places that it visited. This paper argues that a main reason that the Commission can not be a protector was due to the government's negative response of which the legal reason is that the Act did not rule the effect of the Commission's opinions and recommendations.


Wm. Theodore De Bary著、陳立勝譯(2003)。亞洲價值與人權。正中書局。
