  • 期刊


Study on the Folk Activities in Jiading


茄萣是台灣唯一全位在濱外沙洲上的鄉鎮,荷蘭時期是台灣三大漁業中心,目前更是台灣最大的烏魚捕撈及加工基地。而在人口近三萬人的濱海小鄉村中,民俗藝陣卻擁有250餘團,留有文字資料記載的總計尚存有157個文武藝陣,這些藝陣在歷次的建醮活動(燒王船)中,大張旗鼓,各種祭祀慶祝活動、陣頭的表演,集武術、戲曲、音樂、舞蹈之大成,呈現了傳統藝陣的多樣化面貌,在宗教活動與居民生活中扮演重要地位,更展現了台灣民間最基層堅強的生命力。 本文即以茄萣地區各藝陣團隊的運作情形做探討,藉由資料整理、田野調查、耆老的訪談中,整理出茄萣地區民俗藝陣團隊的經營、興衰及遇到困境,希望能對茄萣的藝陣文化保存有所助益。 本地文武陣頭的運作與保存,和宗教信仰及以宗族爲中心的各姓「角頭」有極大關係,「子弟陣」更是茄萣藝陣文化的特色。近來,由於經濟發展、人口外移、民間生活習慣改變,及年輕一代價值觀念的改變,「子弟陣」組織的血緣性地位已大不如昔,而區域性漸增,然茄萣堅持由本地子弟演出的特色不變。 從本文中瞭解茄萣藝陣現況及困境,並將茄萣富有地方特色的藝陣文化繼續傳承與發揚光大,以延續這難得的傳統藝陣文化資產。


茄萣 子弟陣 角頭


Jiading is the only town located on sandy delta in Taiwan. During the era of Dutch occupation, it was one of the three major fishing ports in Taiwan. Currently it is Taiwan's largest port for catching mullen fish and related industry. With total population of 30, 000 in the town, there are more than 250 folk activity groups of all kinds. Among them, 157 groups have been officially documented. These folk groups play the key role in local community gathering and religious festivals, especially in the festival of ”burning the”. These groups present a diversity of folk arts, including martial art, folk music, folk drama, folk dance, etc. Their vitality shows the strength of folk culture and tradition in Taiwan. This study investigates the current operation of these folk activity groups in Jiading. By analyzing existing documents, interviewing the groups, and other types of fieldwork, this project aims to present how these groups are managed as well as their ups and downs. The ultimate goals are to find out the challenges they are facing and to provide help to preserve the folk tradition. It is found that the operation of Jiading's folk groups are closely related to religious beliefs and family connection. ”Jiao-tou” (literarily means ”leader/organizer of a partiarchal clan”) plays an influential role in maintaining and managing such groups, and that the activities are practiced and performed by ”zi-di-zhen” (literarily means ”youngster corps of a partiarchal clan”) is its unique feature. Due to the fast development of our society, the importance of partiarchal connection in ”zi-di-zhen” has been replaced by regional identity in Jiading. However, the unique style and vitality of folk activities remain intake. The results of this study indicate that local folk groups are facing severe difficulties in the changing society. The study, then, provides some suggestions to reserve the essence of local culture.


Jiading zi-di-zhen Jiao-tou



