  • 期刊


Strategies for Empowerment and Governance of Establishing the "Alley Service Station": An Action Research in the Shui Sha Lian Area




Launched in 2016, Taiwan's Long-Term Care (LTC) plan involves organizing a community-based service network. The addition of "Alley Service Station (Tire C)" is one of the primary elements of the LTC system 2.0 but not as expected eventually. It is augured that medical professionals, devices and equipment all are important for providing quality Alley Service Station in community, but the government do not ensure that all providers will have the capacity to offer professional medical resources sufficiently. To investigate how to assist community-capacity building or to offer substantial supports that enable community to bridge institution and supervising agency (Tier B and Tier A) in a unified system, we designed a series of demand-driven action projects according to previous LTC-demand survey results executed in 2017, and conducted an action research fieldwork from Shui Sha Lian area gathering the four Nantou townships of Puli, Yuchi, Guoxing, and Renai to determinate strategies for empowerment and governance of establishing the "Alley Service Station". The results of this study indicate that "reaching a consensus", "empowering through education/training programs", "self-capacity building and self-transformation" and "strengthening the dynamics and interactions within the local governance ecosystem" were crucial processes, which directly impact implementation relating to strategies for empowerment and governance of establishing the LTC service station in lanes and alleys.


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