  • 學位論文


The research how the Asia Zen thought application on concept design

指導教授 : 吳千華


禪學思維所營造的氛圍是屬於一種意識上的認知,會因時間、空間、 地域性與文化發展的不同,產生不同的表現形式及詮釋手法。近年來建立於禪學思維下的設計,已逐漸超越精神上形式主義的呈現,轉而配合時代多元的被應用,許多由禪衍生時代風尚,具體的被實踐在現代人的生活概念中。 現在國內於禪學思維的研究上,以往多重在宗教、哲學、文學及語 意學上探討或將其引用為文獻;但目前將禪學思維的實踐與應用,並以其學說應用在設計範疇的研究仍不多見。 有鑒於過去缺少對禪學思維運用於情境設計之相關研究與文獻,本研 究將藉東方禪學思維找出情境設計之風格意涵,並從設計創作中,加以驗證所必備的禪學思維之情境設計風格。採之研究方法,首先將藉文獻資料蒐集分析、再採用專家深度訪談及紮根理論分析法,將研究內容歸納為四個主要範疇:(一)禪學思維的本質。(二)生活的實踐。(三)設計運用手法。(四)民族文化;並將四個主要範疇交叉分析,藉此探討出專家對於現階段禪學思維運用於國內設計之面向。從禪學思維的本質及設計運用手法中,分別可以整理出六點【禪學思維本質】與六點【設計運用手法】,作為東方禪學思維運用於情境設計之設計觀點;並以設計創作來佐以驗證東方禪學思維之設計風格,最後再由符號學及後設的觀點來探討分析設計創作;本研究所分析之結論,在思維與設計手法上,期用較易理解的方式將範疇列出,希望藉此能有助於後續研究者與設計師切入禪學思維之相關設計與研究。


The atmosphere made by Asia Zen’s thinking is belng to a kind of cognize which are become different forms and explanations by time, space, location and culture development. Recently, the design base on the Zen’s thinking are beyond to the spiritual externalism and turn to the multi-application from time to time. Many life styles which produced by the Zen’s thinking are apply specifically in morden time. For the reason of laking the research of how zen theory apply on the concept design, this dissertation will find out how the Oriental theory -- Zen apply on surrounding design. Finnally, according to the design project, the Zen’s think in the concept design will be examed and practiced. From the beginning, the methods of how to doing this research are anylize the collected data and documents, then throgh the interview of three experts and groundedtheory, I will try to conclude the analyse the contant into four principles: the essence of Zen, the practice of zen’s life, the application in design project and national culture. Then try to analyse them from many different opinion. By this way, we can find out how the direction of zen’s effect on the desing work in nowadays. In the essence of zen and design method, we can arrange six points of “the zen’s thinking” and six points of “design method”. These will be the principle of how the oriental zen’s theory apply on concept design. Then in proof of this theory, the design practice will be the side part of dissertation. The result of this research, the dissertation is expected to trying the easily way to list those principles. By doing this, hope the people who are doing this research in the future and the designer who are doing the related topic could easily to do the effert on this area.


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