  • 學位論文


A Comparative Study of the Victims of Child Sexual Abuse and Physical Abuse in the Psychological Trauma and Physical Health

指導教授 : 丁原郁


本研究旨在比較兒童與少年之性虐待受害者與身體虐待受害者在心理創傷與生理健康中的差異,研究採用問卷調查法,抽取各縣市家防中心、社福機構、諮商中心之9-16歲個案群中,52位兒少性虐待受害者及52位兒少身體虐待受害者為樣本。所使用的研究工具包括個人基本資料、心理創傷量表、生理健康量表。將調查所得資料以描述性統計、無母數統計法的Mann-Whitney U test、Kruskal-Wallis H檢定法、邏輯斯迴歸分析等統計方式進行分析,研究結果如下: 一、「身體疼痛」與「界限創傷」、「就醫情形」可有效區辨出兒少性虐待或身體虐待之受害類型,且「身體疼痛」更具區辨力 二、兒少性虐待受害者與身體虐待受害者,在心理創傷層面中「自我創傷」最嚴重,且生理健康層面中「身體機能」最差 三、兒少身體虐待受害者中,「女性」比「男性」在「界限創傷」、「綜合創傷後壓力反應」及「身體機能」、「身體疼痛」上創傷程度更深 四、以兒少性虐待受害者能否清楚記憶初次受虐年齡來說,「無法清楚記憶」者比「7歲以下」者在「綜合創傷後壓力反應」中有較嚴重的創傷、比「8歲以上」者在「界限創傷」中有較嚴重的創傷 五、兒少受害者遭受身體虐待「3次以上」者的「身體機能」比遭受「1-2次」者差 六、初次受虐年齡在「8歲以上」之兒少受害者,「身體虐待」受害者在「界限創傷」較為嚴重、「性虐待」受害者則在「身體疼痛」較為嚴重 七、兒少初次受虐年齡在「7歲以下」的受害者,受「性虐待」較受「身體虐待」有更嚴重的「自我創傷」;兒少初次受虐年齡在「8歲以上」的受害者,受「性虐待」較受「身體虐待」有更嚴重的「身體疼痛」 八、「14歲以上」之兒少受害者,受「性虐待」較受「身體虐待」有更嚴重的「綜合創傷後壓力反應」及「身體疼痛」 九、受「性虐待」的兒少受害者中,「14歲以上」較「13歲以下」者「就醫情形」更頻繁 十、「性虐待」受害者符合「14歲以上」、「受虐次數1-2次」或「初次受虐年齡8歲以上」其一條件以上者,「身體疼痛」較「身體虐待」受害者嚴重 十一、「13歲以下」之「身體虐待」受害者比同年齡層之「性虐待」受害者的「就醫情形」更頻繁 根據研究結果,研究者提出建議供兒少照顧者、社會福利、醫療與司法專業之兒少保護工作者、諮商輔導專業之兒少保護工作者及未來研究之參考。


The purpose of this study is to compare the differences between the victims of child sexual abuse and physical abuse in their psychological trauma and physical health. Questionnaire Survey is mainly used in this study. And the quantitative data was collected from the sample consisted of 52 victims of child sexual abuse and 52 victims physical abuse aged form 9 to 16 years old, who had been the clients serviced by the Centers of Prevention of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, social welfare organizations and counseling centers in Taiwan. Instruments used in this study include basic personal information, psychological abuse trauma scale and physical health scale. Data obtained in this study were analyzed by descriptive statistics, Nonparametric Statistics (Mann-Whitney U test and Kruskal-Wallis H test), logistic regression. The main findings were as follows: 1.The types of injury of child sexual abuse or physical abuse can be distinguished efficiently by “physical pain”,“boundary trauma” and “medical care visits”, especially by “physical pain”. 2.The severest aspect of psychological trauma in the victims of child sexual abuse or child physical abuse is “self trauma” and the “physical function” were the worst aspect in their physical health 3.Among those victims of child physical abuse, the severities of “boundary trauma”, “complex post-traumatic stress reaction”, “physical function” and “physical pain” on the female victims are even serious than on the male victims. 4.Regarding to the age from which a first memory of being sexual abused can be retrieved, those who “could not clearly remember” have severer “complex post-traumatic stress reaction” than those who had started being sexual abused “at the age under 7” and severer “boundary trauma” than those who were firstly sexual abused “at the age above 8.” 5.The “physical function” of the victims who had been physically abused for “more than 3 times” are worse than who had been abused for “1 or 2 times”. 6.Comparing the victims who had been abused firstly “at the age above 8”, the victims of physical abuse have severer “boundary trauma” and the victims of sexual abuse has more serious “physical pain.” 7.Comparing the victims who had been abused firstly “at the age under 7”, the victims of sexual abuse have severer “self trauma” than those who were “physically abused”. And comparing the victims who had been abused firstly “at the age above 8” there are more serious “physical pain” shown on the victims of sexual abuse than the victims of physical abused. 8.Among the victims “above 14 years old”, the victims of “sexual abuse” have more serious “complex post-traumatic stress reaction” and “physical pain” than the victims of “physical abused.” 9.In the victims of child sexual abuse, the victims who had been abused firstly “at the age above 14” has higher frequencies of medical care visits, than the victims who experienced first abuse “at the age under 13.” 10.The victims of child sexual abuse who meet one or more conditions as “above 14 years old”, “has been abused for 1 or 2 times” or “experience first abuse at the age above 8” will have severer “physical pain” than the victims of “physical abuse.” 11.Comparing the victims under the age of 13, the victims of child physical abuse have higher frequencies of medical care visits than the victims of sexual abuse. Finally, the researcher provide suggestions as references for care givers, social welfare related systems and child protective service workers who are specialized in counselling, legislation and medical profession according to the findings of this study.


