  • 學位論文


Integration of Cultural and Creative Activities and University-Industry Collaboration – The Past, Present and Future of Chio-Tian Folk Drums & Arts Troupe

指導教授 : 謝永茂


九天民俗技藝團從「開路鼓」、「神將團」等跟隨神明神駕繞境出巡、進香刈火的民俗藝陣出發,歷經數次轉型,逐步邁向專業的藝術表演團體。「九天」一路以來致力於民俗藝陣的推廣,從廟會走向藝術殿堂,努力展演民俗藝陣的藝術能量,期望透過專業的表演,顛覆大眾對民俗藝陣的刻板印象。繼而吸引社會大眾購票進入劇場舞台,領略民俗藝陣的傳統文化及其價值,帶領民眾回歸迎神賽會的廟會現場,重新審視和定義台灣獨有的無形文化資產。 本研究以質性分析的個案研究方法透過資料蒐集、組織、分析等方式除對「九天」的過去和現在作一線性梳理、脈絡化書寫之外,更著力於經營者將企業管理模式帶入「九天」施行的情況與現階段成果分析,以此為基礎展望未來發展的方向。論文內容將民俗藝陣分為傳統藝陣和創新藝陣,以「九天」為比較依據,討論「九天」發展過程與其他民俗藝陣的異同。並比較「九天」轉型前、後的異同,論述轉型為創新藝陣的「九天」在傳統部分延續了傳統精神外,將傳統元素作為創作素材,以及維持「九天靈修院」為宗教信仰中心。而創新的部分主要是將企業化管理模式帶入「九天」,在人資管理、研發管理、財務管理、表演品質管理和行銷管理部分皆有長足進步與發展規模。


Starting as a folk art troupe that has led holy pilgrimages of several thousands of Taiwanese people in parade formations, e.g. “Opening Drum-beating Dancing,” “Troupe of Holy Generals,” incense-offering ceremonies, etc., Chio-Tian Folk Drums & Arts Troupe underwent a considerable transformation and is progressively marching towards a professional group of performing arts. Since long ago, Chio-Tian has been committed to the promotion of Taiwanese folk art performance. Staging from traditional temple festivals to modern art centers, this local troupe has radiated its energy of folk art performance, and challenged the stereotype of vulgar folk art troupes through professional art performance. The change has in turn arrested the public’s attention. Nowadays people are invited to appreciate the traditional culture and value of the folk art performance in the theatres, which lead people backwards to the scene of idolatrous procession and to re-examine and define the intangible assets unique to Taiwan. This study adopted a case study approach based on qualitative analysis. Through data collection, organization, and analysis, the study clearly combed and wrote into each context of Chio-Tian in the past and present. Furthermore, this study explored the implementation of enterprise management into the troupe, analyzed its result, and viewed the troupe in perspective. In this paper, the folk art troupes were distinguished into the traditional troupes and the innovative troupes. Based on the development of Chio-Tian, the similarities and dissimilarities between Chio-Tian and other folk art troupes were compared. As an innovative troupe, Chio-Tain has been endeavoring to continue the tradition of folk art troupes by transforming the tradition into elements of creativity, and maintaining the religious center, “Chio-Tian Seminary.” From an innovative perspective, Chio-Tian has successfully incorporated the enterprise management model, which has made considerable progress and reached a rising scale of development in the respect of human resource management, research management, financial management, quality management and marketing performance management.


小知堂編譯組(譯)(1994)。人力資源開發。台北市:小知堂文化。(David Megginson, Jennifer Joy-Matthews, Paul Banfieled)
