  • 學位論文


The Use of Animation and Augmented Reality on Learning Chinese Characters for Students with Different Cognitive Styles

指導教授 : 單煒明


隨著漢字文化圈國家在世界經濟中佔有的位置逐漸提升,學習漢字已成為國際的趨勢。同時隨著數位科技的發展,教學媒體變得多樣化,不只豐富了學習的內容與呈現方式,並帶來新的學習互動,使學童可以透過更多元的方式去體驗學習的內容,以增進學習效果。因此,在學習漢字的過程,經由基模理論,運用動畫與擴增實境在教學媒體,並建立漢字構型基模,讓訊息有更深一層的關聯與理解,協助學生啟動記憶、連結舊經驗,進而理解建構新知識形成長期記憶,達到良好的學習成效與興趣為本研究之重要課題。 本研究旨在探討不同的教學媒體對漢字學習結果的影響,並針對不同認知風格(視覺導向/語文導向)的學童探討其在不同教學媒體(圖卡/動畫/擴增實境)之學習成效與學習滿意度的差異。研究以台中市國小143名學童為研究樣本,採分組實驗方式進行研究。研究分為對照控制組:單純圖卡之漢字教學;實驗組一:動畫之漢字教學;實驗組二:擴增實境之漢字教學。藉由問卷調查及評量分析,更從中探討不同認知風格對不同的教學媒體之學習成效與學習滿意度。 研究結果發現,不同的教學媒體教材,對學習成效有影響,觀看擴增實境教學媒體的學生學習成效相當優異;觀看擴增實境與動畫教學媒體則皆能有效提升學習滿意度;不同認知風格的學童不會影響學習漢字之學習成效與學習滿意度;不同認知風格的學童對於接受不同教學媒體學習漢字不會有交互作用影響學習成效與學習滿意度。 本研究結果證實於開發設計漢字教學知教學媒體教材時,需要審慎規劃教學內容與媒體呈現方式,考量學生觀看時的感受與認知理解能力,將舊有知識與新知的連結,達到提升訊息內容的學習成效與學習滿意度。研究結果對漢字教學藉由教學媒材創新、字形概念的掌握與識字能力的提升有很大的幫助。


As the use of Mandarin plays an important role in the world, learning Chinese characters has became a trend in the world. Due to the developments of technology, the educational media provides different methods to display contents. With the interactions of learning, students could experience in various ways and consequently enhance the impression of learning. Based on the schema theory, graphics, animations and augmented reality can be used to display the Chinese characters that build the connection between the word shape and the base knowledge. This research hope students could comprehend the information more deeply and remember what they have learned by linking with their former experience, and hence transform the knowledge into the long term memory. This research aims to explore the effects of different kinds of educational media (graphic cards/ animation/ augmented reality) and different cognitive styles (Visual-oriented/ Verbal-oriented) on students' learning efficiency and satisfaction. 143 elementary students in Taichung city participate in this research. we separate them into two experimental groups: one is learning Chinese characters with animation; the other is learning with augmented reality. From the questionnaires and analysis, we found the performance of students with different cognitive styles. Research found that educational media of augmented reality improve the outcome of learning quite remarkably, and both augmented reality and animations could raise the level of learning satisfaction. However, the results showed no difference for students with different cognitive styles. Accordingly, when developing the educational media for learning Chinese characters, we should consider the feelings and the ability of comprehension of students. Besides, the contents linked to their prior experienced will improve the learning efficiency and satisfactory. This research provoke the innovation of educational media on teaching Chinese characters and their structures and forms of characters as well.


王明傑、陳玉玲譯(2002)。教育心理學:理論與實務。臺北市:學富文化。Robert E. Slavin 原著,Education Psychology:Theory and Practice, 6th ed.


