  • 學位論文


Application and Discussion on Website Interactive Advertisings with Augmented Reality Techniques

指導教授 : 陳子雲




Advanced technology and network media have been developed maturely. In order to promote creativity and advertising, the enterprises have presented diverse forms nowadays. Through appropriate interactive design, advertisings fully convey the message content and communication. However, the application of interactive design and digital technology combine through augmented reality technology and creative performance in advertising construction process. It is tailored precisly for consumers. The product and consumers establish a great deal of interaction altogether. By passing through advertising messages, consumers resonate the advertising effect simultaneously. In this study, a qualitative research method for advertising case analysis and interviews are included. Through quantitative questionnaire survey, it explores that consumers with different ages interact in different degrees of cognitive investigation in advertising sites. From different display-oriented ways, the results integrate the website production process and interactive advertising design elements.


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