  • 學位論文


The Study of Chinese Culture Applications from The Popular Consumption Pattern

指導教授 : 陳高生


「流行」在社會脈絡演進裡,具有群眾認同與仿效的特質,無形當中與人們生活產生密不可分的關聯性,並透過訊息傳播,形成社會大眾「集體採行」的趨勢;在社會行為當中,人們常透過外觀表徵,以作為評論社會地位階層的準則;從社會的角度看,「流行時尚」的本質是一種動態的社會歷程展演,其具有歷史興衰更迭的寫照。可見「流行」具有普遍性、一般性、滲透性、淘汰性。 當某種流行美學現象,引起廣泛模仿與流傳之後,形成所謂的「流行」趨勢,此趨勢就形成與社會大眾的互動意義。要將流行設計作品商品化、全球化,就要先分析流行消費的型態,這在對即將要開發的新興資本市場而言,是最基本的基礎,此亦為本研究的動機。     本研究依此作為出發點,從探討「世界工廠」進步演化為「世界市場」的中國,因經濟消費實力的崛起與漸行強勢,探討「中國風潮」有引領流行的可能性。從當代各經濟與社會學家理論,及多篇中國風為設計元素之研究論述,採「文獻分析法」;「深度訪談法」,訪談專業人士與成功企業,對「中國文化元素」的應用與遠景,做深入的探討,並依消費的型態佐證,以及從具體的經濟成長數據(IMF)與個案實例探討,分析中國市場的消費類型,對未來流行的趨勢作出預測。   本研究在各理論、文獻分析推演以及深度訪談分析之後發現,「中國文化元素」在往後流行的趨勢發展中,確有其不容忽視之引領地位。而本研究從分析探討流行導向預測,將用以對未來流行產業的設計主軸作出建議,此為本研究的目的;而「品牌經營」、「平價精品策略」、「不容忽視的網際網路」,則是在確認中國風設計元素受重視之預測後,對未來持續研究之展望。


In the evolution of society context, ' Popular ' has properties of masses identification and following. It unconsciously becomes more and more inseparable to people life, and a trend of collective adoption of communities results from messages transmission. In social behaviors, appearance characterization is usually acted as the criteria to comment the social standing and stratum. From view point of society, the essence of fashion is a dynamic performance of social process, and is the image of rise and fall of alternate histories. This demonstrates "popular" having the properties such as universality, generality, permeability, elimination. When a popular aesthetic phenomenon is caused by widely imitated and spread to form a so-called "popular" trend, this trend reveals the interaction with the public. In order to make popular products for commercialization and globalization, analysis of popular consumption patterns become a generally recognized form as the basic to analyze the overall structure of the emerging capital market. And it's also the motivation of this study. From this, the study expects to explore the progressive evolution of China from the "world's factory" to "world market" with the rise of economic and consumer strength, resulting in "Chinoiserie" having the possibility of leading the popular. It's based on the theories of the contemporary economists and sociologists, and international marketing strategy of several research papers about the Chinoiserie design element. The research method is to analyze and discuss these literatures by using the literature analysis method. And, consumption patterns of Chinese market are analyzed according to depth interviews with the Professionals and Successful enterprises, the evidence of the morphology of the consumer, and the specific economic growth data (IMF) and examples studies, and it tries to predict the future popular trends. In this study, it is found that Chinoiserie are indeed not be ignored in the lead position in the next popular trend of development after analyze and discuss the related literatures and theories. It is the purpose to make the prediction from this research on the analysis and discussion about popular trends proposed for the future design spindle of the fashion industry. And to study how to predict a viable model for the development of the fashion industry from the popular. The following research prospects are the brand management, masstige strategies, and non-negligible internet after the attention to Chinese style design elements are confirmed.


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2. 朱浤源主編、中華科際整合研究會合編(2010)。撰寫碩博士論文實戰手冊。台北:正中書局。
3. 李亦園(1996)。文化與修養。台北:幼獅文化事業公司。
