  • 學位論文

高級中學及高級職業學校餐飲管理科教師 生涯發展與進修需求之研究-以南區為例

A Study on Career Development and In-service Training Demands of Food and Beverage Management Teachers in Senior High and Senior Vocational Schools -An Exploration of Southern Taiwan Area

指導教授 : 林建雄


本研究旨在探討高級中學及高級職業學校餐飲管理科教師生涯發展與進修需求及其關係。主要研究目的為: 一、瞭解南部地區高中、職餐飲管理科教師生涯發展現況。 二、瞭解南部地區高中、職餐飲管理科教師進修需求。 三、探討南部地區高中、職餐飲管理科教師生涯發展與教師進修需 求之關係。 四、依據研究結果提出建議,提供相關單位辦理高中、職教師生涯輔導及進修課程規畫之參考。為達成研究目的,經由文獻探討、問卷調查等研究方法,進行調查。根據資料分析之結果,本研究獲得之發現如下: (一)高中、職餐飲管理科教師在進修需求呈現高需求狀態。 (二)本研究高中、職餐飲管理科教師整體上的生涯發展階段以 探索成長及專業成熟階段特徵的得分較高。 (三)「性別」背景變項在不同層面進修需求上並無顯著差異,但在「年齡」「最高學歷」、「服務於餐飲管理科年資」等背景變項上,則有顯著的差異。 (四)探索成長與專業成熟階段的高中、職餐飲科教師對於教師專業知能、一般知能提升等方面知能的進修,皆有極高的需求。而停滯衰退階段的高中、職教師,對於教師專業方面的知能需求則略為下降。


This study aims at exploring the relation of career development and in- service training demands of food and beverage management teachers in senior high and senior vocational schools. The main objects are: 1.to understand the current circumstances of career development; 2.to understand the demands for in-service training of the senior high and senior vocational schools, teachers; 3.to explore the relation of career development and demands for in- service training; 4.to provide the suggestions about career counseling and training program for the relates authorities according to the outcomes follows: (1)Food and beverage management teachers in senior high and senior vocational schools express a high demand for in-service training. (2)The career development stage of food and beverage management teachers in senior high and senior vocational schools of Southern Taiwan area has highest score on exploring professional mature stages. (3)Variants such as gender do not have significant influence in the subjects’ career development and in-service training demands, while variants such as years of food and beverage management subject , and background in professional training do. (4)Food and beverage management teachers in senior high and senior vocational school who are at exploring mature and professional stages have high demands for professional knowledge, general knowledge, social engagement, and family and life. However, those on stagnation would decrease the demands for professional knowledge.




