  • 學位論文


The research of school brand image, college choice motive and behavior intention influence for freshman majoring in tourism

指導教授 : 杜宜展


本研究旨在探討大學校院觀光學系學生學校品牌形象、選校動機與行為意圖之關係。主要目的有:一.瞭解學校品牌形象、選校動機及行為意圖之現況。二.比較不同個人背景變項之大一學生在學校品牌形象的差異情形。三.比較不同個人背景變項之大一學生在選校動機上的差異情形。四.比較不同個人背景變項之大一學生在行為意圖上的差異情形。五.分析大學生學校品牌形象對行為意圖的預測效果。六.分析大學生選校動機對行為意圖的預測效果。七.分析大學生學校品牌形象、選校動機對行為意圖的預測效果。八.根據研究結果提出建議,供大學校院作為招生策略、內部行銷之參考。 為達上述目的,本研究兼採文獻探討、調查研究等方法蒐集資料,依文獻探討及先前研究結果,以自編之量表為研究工具,調查南區合計400位觀光學系學生,資料蒐集後以t檢定、單因子變異數分析及多元迴歸分析進行資料處理,並得到以下結論: 一、大學生對學校品牌形象多持正面肯定態度,卻仍有選校動機不夠強烈及行為意圖不足之疑慮。 二、學生選校動機重視產學聲望,其次是經濟支持。 三、在行為意圖上缺乏忠誠度,並且在價格容忍上不具波動彈性。 四、學生在內部反應上,對校內申訴管道使用意願不高。 五、學校品牌形象知覺之程度,會因學校為技職體系、入學管道為甄選入學、入學前學制為高職非餐旅群者,而有較高的知覺。 六、選校動機之程度與學校體系為技職、入學管道為甄選入學、申請入學、轉學等學生,有較高的選校動機程度。 七、行為意圖之程度會因學校體系為技職體系、入學管道為甄選入學、獨招、轉學等學生,而有較高的行為意圖。 八、大學生對學校品牌形象的知覺可以有效預測行為意圖。 九、大學生的選校動機可以有效預測行為意圖。 十、大學生學校品牌形象與選校動機可以有效預測行為意圖。 根據上述結論,本研究提出對學校及後續研究之建議。


This research tried to explore school brand image, college choice motive and behavior intention influence for freshman majoring in tourism. First of all, is to understand the common situation of school brand image, college choice motive and behavior intention influence for freshman majoring in tourism. And than, is to explore the differences between students’ background toward school brand image, college choice motive and behavior intention. Finally, is to explore the effect of school brand image, college choice motive for student’s behavior intention . The research methods included documentation analysis and survey questionnaire. This research was based on the students of University , Technological & Vocational Colleges in Taiwan by purposive sampling.There were 400 valid cases, and the returned data were analyzed by statistical methods such as “Mean”, “Standard Deviation”, “One-Way ANOVA”, “Multiple Regression”. The results of this study were as follows: 1.Most of college students’s have positive attitude to school brand image, but there are not strong enough to college choice motive and behavior intention. 2.Indiustry-Academic reputation factors and financial support are the major consideration of college choice. 3.The lack of” loyalty” and “pay more” intention. 4.Studends will not use campus complaint way to “Internal response”. 5.There are obvious differences between students’ backgrounds toward school brand image. 6.There are obvious differences between students’ backgrounds toward college choice motive. 7.There are obvious differences between students’ backgrounds toward behavior intention. 8.School brand image was predictor of behavior intention. 9.College choice motive was predictor of behavior intention. 10.School brand image and college choice motive were predictor of behavior intention. Based on above findings, the study offers suggestions for college and further research respectivily.


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